2010-04-22 08:08:00 来源:WEB开发网 【

核心提示:多达750款 psd layerstyle 资源,我认为这对于UI设计而言是ps资源里最能节省时间的一类资源了,免费资源下载:750款PSD图层样式资源,第一款的玻璃样式实在是比较惊艳,Vista Glass Style by ~lost–in–thoughtThis style is a gr
多达750款 psd layerstyle 资源。我认为这对于UI设计而言是ps资源里最能节省时间的一类资源了。第一款的玻璃样式实在是比较惊艳。
Vista Glass Style by ~lost–in–thought
This style is a great base for replicating a Vista-like look in your piece.
220 Amazing Free Photoshop Layer Styles
We personally used these Photoshop styles for a project, and they really surprised us!
Color Candy photoshop style
These styles look very nice for a Web 2.0 effect.
Fibre LayerStyles – GVL by ~gvalkyrie
These fiber styles would really add a unique punch to a web layout.