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开发学院WEB开发Jsp jsp计数器-bean文件 阅读


 2000-12-11 16:38:01 来源:WEB开发网 减小字体增大字体】  关注杨恒飞的微博
核心提示:import java.io.Serializable;public class Counter implements Serializable{// Initialize the bean on creationint count = 0;// Parameterless Constructorpublic Coun
import java.io.Serializable;

public class Counter implements Serializable{

// Initialize the bean on creation
int count = 0;

// Parameterless Constructor
public Counter() {


// PRoperty Getter
public int getCount() {

// Increment the count property, with every request

return this.count;

// Property Setter
public void setCount(int count) {

this.count = count;

Tags:jsp 计数器 bean

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