部署描述符(web.xml)元素---[EN Ed]
2008-01-05 19:27:55 来源:WEB开发网web.xml Deployment Descriptor Elements
This following sections describe the deployment descriptor elements defined in the web.xml file. The root element for web.xml is <web-app>. The following elements are defined within the <web-app> element:
- icon Element
- <small-icon>
- <large-icon>
- <small-icon>
- display-name Element
- description Element
- distributable Element
- context-param Element
- <param-name>
- <param-value>
- <description>
- <param-value>
- <param-name>
- filter Element
- <icon>
- <filter-name>
- <display-name>
- <description>
- <filter-class>
- <init-param>
- <filter-name>
- <icon>
- filter-mapping Element
- <filter-name>
- <url-pattern>
- <servlet>
- <url-pattern>
- <filter-name>
- listener Element
- <listener-class>
- servlet Element
- <icon>
- <small-icon>
- <large-icon>
- <servlet-name>
- <display-name>
- <description>
- <servlet-class>
- <jsp-file>
- <init-param>
- <display-name>
- <param-name>
- <param-value>
- <description>
- <param-value>
- <load-on-startup>
- <security-role- ref>
- <description>
- <role-name>
- <role-link>
- <role-name>
- servlet-mapping Element
- <servlet-name>
- <url-pattern>
- <servlet-name>
- session-config Element
- <session-timeout>
- mime-mapping Element
- <extension>
- <mime-type>
- <extension>
- welcome-file-list Element
- <welcome-file>
- error-page Element
- <error-code>
- <exception-type>
- <location>
- <exception-type>
- <error-code>
- taglib Element
- <taglib-location>
- <taglib-uri>
- <taglib-location>
- resource-ref Element
- <description>
- <res-ref-name>
- <res-type>
- <res-auth>
- <res-sharing-scope>
- <res-ref-name>
- <description>
- security-constraint Element
- <web-resource- collection>
- <web-resource- name>
- <description>
- <url-pattern>
- <http-method>
- <description>
- <auth-constraint>
- <description>
- <role-name>
- <user-data- constraint>
- <description>
- <transport- guarantee>
- login-config Element
- <auth-method>
- <realm-name>
- <form-login- config>
- <realm-name>
- <form-login-page>
- <form-error-page>
- <auth-method>
- security-role Element
- <description>
- <role-name>
- <description>
- env-entry Element
- <description>
- <env-entry-name>
- <env-entry-value>
- <env-entry-type>
- <env-entry-name>
- <description>
- ejb-ref Element
- <description>
- <ejb-ref-name>
- <ejb-ref-type>
- <home>
- <remote>
- <ejb-link>
- <run-as>
- <ejb-ref-name>
- <description>
icon Element
The icon element specifies the location within the Web application for a small and large image used to rePResent the Web Application in a GUI tool. (The servlet element also has an element called the icon element, used to supply an icon to represent a servlet in a GUI tool.)
This element is not currently used by WebLogic Server.
The following table describes the elements you can define within an icon element.