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linux 下使用jasperreport的注意事项

 2008-01-05 18:35:52 来源:WEB开发网 閵嗭拷閸戝繐鐨€涙ぞ缍�婢х偛銇囩€涙ぞ缍�閵嗭拷  閸忚櫕鏁炴Λ娆愬盁閸楀洨娈戝顔煎触
核心提示:对于 java 1.4以上,启动java时加上 -Djava.awt.headless=true 的参数,linux 下使用jasperreport的注意事项,对于 Java 1.4 以前,下载 xvfb 或者其他的虚拟 x-window 软件,具体的修改办法是,修改 httpd.sh 文件,再在 Java 运行环境

对于 java 1.4以上,启动java时加上 -Djava.awt.headless=true 的参数。对于 Java 1.4 以前,下载  xvfb 或者其他的虚拟 x-window 软件,再在 Java 运行环境里的 DISPLAY 作相应改变。
对于 Resin,具体的修改办法是,修改 httpd.sh 文件,把其中的 args= 行修改为 args=-Djava.awt.headless=true。
例如: catalina.sh

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Start/Stop Script for the CATALINA Server
# Environment Variable PRequisites
#  CATALINA_HOME  May point at your Catalina "build" Directory.
#  CATALINA_BASE  (Optional) Base directory for resolving dynamic portions
#          of a Catalina installation.  If not present, resolves to
#          the same directory that CATALINA_HOME points to.
#  CATALINA_OPTS  (Optional) Java runtime options used when the "start",
#          "stop", or "run" command is executed.
#  CATALINA_TMPDIR (Optional) Directory path location of temporary directory
#          the JVM should use (java.io.tmpdir).  Defaults to
#          $CATALINA_BASE/temp.
#  JAVA_HOME    Must point at your Java Development Kit installation.
#  JAVA_OPTS    (Optional) Java runtime options used when the "start",
#          "stop", or "run" command is executed.
#  JPDA_TRANSPORT  (Optional) JPDA transport used when the "jpda start"
#          command is executed. The default is "dt_socket".
#  JPDA_ADDRESS   (Optional) Java runtime options used when the "jpda start"
#          command is executed. The default is 8000.
#  JSSE_HOME    (Optional) May point at your Java Secure Sockets Extension
#          (JSSE) installation, whose JAR files will be added to the

Tags:linux 使用 jasperreport

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