2008-01-05 18:25:48 来源:WEB开发网 闂侀潧妫撮幏锟�

SPRing Team 提到, 让人期待的2.0 让人瞩目的特性将会包括:
·Scoping for beans
·CommonJ TimerManager 实现(WebSphere和WebLogic 用户的福音)
·消息驱动的 POJOs
这样, 我们将可以:更轻易配置Spring,更轻易使用AOP,还有就是Spring MVC.
同时,Matt Raible提到:
Spring 2.0: What breaks?
Of course, some things might break - but Rod can't think of anything significant will. It should be a drop-in replacement for 1.x JARs. This really goes to show the value of a non-invasive POJO programming model. There will be some changes in best practices, but you are not forced to change anything.
This should be the norm, but hasn't been so in enterprise Java.
Alef just did a demo of migrating JPetstore from 1.2.6 to 2.0. He copied the 2.0 JAR over the old one and redeployed to Geronimo 1.0 M5. After proving everything worked (in a browser), he changed some of the XML syntax and redeployed. Again, everything worked as eXPected.
agylen 则说:"当我看到这里, 我禁不住问, 有什么理由让我不选择Spring? 为什么还有那么多人在做无用功, 想做一个替代Spring的container出来呢?"
或许, 我们也应该问一下自己. 你是否觉得Spring是你的最佳选择? BEA,Interface21都开始支持Spring, 你觉得Spring是否会成为J2EE标准? 或许Spring将会出现在Java EE 6中?