Job Scheduler 1.2.5 发布
2008-01-05 18:26:49 来源:WEB开发网 闁靛棴鎷�

核心提示: Job Scheduler 开发小组 公布发布 Job Scheduler 1.2.5 版本.Job Scheduler是一个以demon方式运行的批处理程序, 能够通过图形用户界面进行控制,Job Scheduler使用xml来配置任务处理的具体参数,比如频率与时间,Job Sch
Job Scheduler 开发小组 公布发布 Job Scheduler 1.2.5 版本.
Job Scheduler是一个以demon方式运行的批处理程序, 能够通过图形用户界面进行控制。Job Scheduler使用xml来配置任务处理的具体参数,比如频率与时间。Job Scheduler还提供了可以用来控制Job事件与日记的API-可以通过java, VB, JS等进行调用.
"This release supports Web Services that can be configured to wrap the execution of PRograms and executable scripts. Job execution results can be forwarded asynchronously to other Web Services. The API eXPoses objects and methods to process Web Service requests and to send job execution results to the caller synchronously. In addition, all Operations of the Job Scheduler can be controlled by Web Services. This release includes support for SQL Server 2005 and Firebird 1.5."
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