开发学院WEB开发ASP.NET LWUIT 1.3终于发布了! 阅读

LWUIT 1.3终于发布了!

 2009-12-18 17:44:04 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:LWUIT 1.3在12.15号终于发布了!如果现在你还没有LWUIT 1.3的api和文件,去http://java.sun.com/javame/technology/lwuit/ 下载新版本中的新特性:从Shai 的Blog中 ,LWUIT 1.3终于发布了!,我了解到,LWUIT1.3 主要的改动有以下几点:开
LWUIT 1.3在12.15号终于发布了!

如果现在你还没有LWUIT 1.3的api和文件,去http://java.sun.com/javame/technology/lwuit/ 下载


从Shai 的Blog中 ,我了解到,LWUIT1.3 主要的改动有以下几点:

把SVG也融入到Resource Editor中
(以上翻译不够准确,敬请见谅!可以看看下面的英文原版。 )

Bidi support (contributed by Telmap) - allows using LWUIT with Right To Left languages such as Arabic, Hebrew
Lightweight Virtual keyboard support - allowing for customizable touch screen input
Pixel based scrolling - allowing scroll to work as expected even when components/containers exceed screen bounds and not just for focusable components
Table layout and table component - allowing complex tabular UI's including support for features such as spanning rows/columns
Tree component - supporting nested elements and expanding
Spinner component for date, time and numeric input within a range
Reimplementation of the ComboBox widget
SVG Support integrated into the Theme Creator (formerly LWUIT Designer/Resource Editor)
Touch device imPRovements: button menus, improved kinetic scrolling, tactile touch (vibration on touch)
Resource file specification
Redesigned the list renderer "rendering" logic so that it paints the backgrounds of the renderers first, and then the selection and foreground.
我个人对LWUIT 1.3的看法:首先LWUIT的发展前景是好的,这里添加了比较实用的Tree组件和TableLayut。在我现在用的版本(不是1.3)中Tree组件我已经用到了,Table形式的布局,我结合其他的布局形式也能够做出这种效果,但是缺点就是LWUIT的体积越来越大了,上个版本的LWUIT.jar只有337k,1.3版本的增加到391k,确实长胖了不少。如果我要用1.3的话,我不会用它的jar,只会参考一下它的源码,如果有需要,就把1.3源码中的类整合到现在我用的这个版本的LWUIT中。

Tags:LWUIT 终于 发布

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