2000-10-27 10:55:42 来源:WEB开发网 闂傚倸鍊搁崐椋庢濮橆兗缂氱憸宥堢亱闂佸湱铏庨崰鏍不椤栫偞鐓ラ柣鏇炲€圭€氾拷

核心提示:Code Title: Auto-linkingDescription: How would you like to have every instance of an http:// auto-hyperlink itself to the URL address that follows it? Well, her
Code Title: Auto-linking
Description: How would you like to have every instance of an http:// auto-hyperlink itself to the URL
address that follows it? Well, here is a killer little function that will take every one of those that it
finds in a string and sets up the hyperlink for you! Cool, eh?
Copy and paste this snippet as-is into your editor:
Function LinkURLs(strInput)
iCurrentLocation = 1
Do While InStr(iCurrentLocation, strInput, "http://", 1) <> 0
iLinkStart = InStr(iCurrentLocation, strInput, "http://", 1)
iLinkEnd = InStr(iLinkStart, strInput, " ", 1)
If iLinkEnd = 0 Then iLinkEnd = Len(strInput) + 1
Select Case Mid(strInput, iLinkEnd - 1, 1)
Case ".", "!", "?"
iLinkEnd = iLinkEnd - 1
End Select
strOutput = strOutput & Mid(strInput, iCurrentLocation, iLinkStart - iCurrentLocation)
strLinkText = Mid(strInput, iLinkStart, iLinkEnd - iLinkStart)
strOutput = strOutput & "<a href="""&strLinkText&""">"&strLinkText&"</a>"
iCurrentLocation = iLinkEnd
strOutput = strOutput & Mid(strInput, iCurrentLocation)
LinkURLs = strOutput
End Function
strUnlinked = "http://LINE9.com rules! <br>" & vbCrLf
strUnlinked = strUnlinked & "http://pdxpc.com sells great computers!<br>" & vbCrLf
' Here is the before text:
Response.Write "<b>Original Text:</b><br>" & vbCrLf
Response.Write strUnlinked
Response.Write vbCrLf & "<br>" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
' Here is the text after it gets automatically hyperlinked to itself:
Response.Write "<b>Text After Linking:</b><br>" & vbCrLf
Response.Write LinkURLs(strUnlinked)
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