开发学院WEB开发ASP 一个免费的邮件列表源程序(一) 阅读


 2000-08-18 10:52:12 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:MailToList.asp<%@ Language=javaScript %> <!--#include file = "include/SetGlobals.asp"--> <!--#include file = "include/DBPath.asp&q
<%@ Language=javaScript %>

<!--#include file = "include/SetGlobals.asp"-->
<!--#include file = "include/DBPath.asp"-->

// output relevant meta tags
Init( "Mail to list" );

// output common top of page
Header( '<a href="work.asp">Work</a> --> Mail to list', 3 );

// output page content
Content ( );

// output common bottom of page
Footer( );

<% /* standard page elements */ %>
<!--#include file = "utils/Init.asp"-->
<!--#include file = "utils/Database.asp"-->
<!--#include file = "utils/Header.asp"-->
<!--#include file = "utils/Footer.asp"-->

// ============================================
// the content of this page
// ============================================
function Content ( )
  Out ( '<td width="20%"> </td>' );
  Out ( '<td width="60%">' );
   // if the form has a passWord, validate it first
   // so that if it fails we can show the form again
   var bSubmitted = (Request.Form.Count > 0);

   // has the form been submitted?
   if ( bSubmitted )
     // get the password from the form...
     sPassword = "" + Request.Form ( "password" );

     // validate the password and moan if it fails
     if ( sPassword != sDBPath )
      Out ( '<h3><font color="red">Invalid password!</font></h3>' );
      // PRetend the form hasn'\t been sent yet
      bSubmitted = false;

   // show the form if not submitted yet
   if ( !bSubmitted )
     Out ( 'In <a href="Subscribe.asp">Part 1</a> I showed you how I allowed you to subscribe to my mailing list. Here\'s where I can post an email to members of that mailing list.' );
     Out ( '<p>Strangely, I\'m not going to let you do it, but you <i>can</i> get the source code from the bottom of the page, and learn how I did it.' );
     // here's the form tag. the action attribute is the name of
     // the file that will be called with the answer - in this case
     // it's the same page. the method can be "post" to send the
     // form data 'behind the scenes' or "get" to appending the
     // data to the URL in the style page.asp?data1=a&data2=b
     // use post most of the time - it's neater and "get" is limited
     // in the amount of data that can be sent.
     Out ( '<form action="MailToList.asp" method="post">' );
      // another table to line up the titles and inputs
      Out ( '<table border="0" cellpadding="0">' );
      Out ( '<tr><td align="right" valign="top">' );
        Out ( 'Password:' );
      Out ( '</td><td align="left" valign="top">' );
        // a simple text box. we'll reference it with the name "password"
        // and show 37 characters on the form. use the maxlength
        // attribute to set the maximum characters they can enter.
        // use value="some text" to pre-fill the input with data.
        Out ( '<input type="password" name="password" size="30"></input>' );
      Out ( '</td></tr>' );

      Out ( '<tr><td align="right" valign="top">' );
        Out ( 'Message:' );
      Out ( '</td><td align="left" valign="top">' );
        // textarea is a multiline text box. specify the size with the
        // cols and rows attributes. wrap can be "off" (the default)
        // "physical" or "virtual". as an example, consider the user
        // typing in the following text in a 40 character wide input:
        // "I wonder how this text will appear to the server when I send it?"
        // wrap="off" will send it as typed, but the user has to scroll off
        // to the right to see the text. (Horrid)
        // wrap="physical" will physically split the line after the word
        // 'server' and send two lines to the server
        // wrap="virtual" will send one line, as typed, but the user
        // will see the text nicely wrap in the input. Perfect!
        Out ( '<textarea name="message" cols="30" rows="8" wrap="physical"></textarea>' );
      Out ( '</td></tr>' );

      Out ( '<tr><td align="right" valign="top">' );
        Out ( ' ' );
      Out ( '</td><td align="left" valign="top">' );
        // type='submit" provides a submit button to perform the
        // form action. the button says "Submit" unless you override
        // with the value attribute.
        Out ( '<input type="submit" value="Send Mail"></input>' );
      Out ( '</td></tr>' );

      Out ( '</table>' );

     Out ( '</form>' );
     // get the message from the form
     var sMessage = "" + Request.Form ( "message" );

     // open the connection
     DBInitConnection ( );

     // get the emails addresses
     var sSQL = 'SELECT Email FROM MailingList;';

     DBGetRecords ( sSQL );

     var sEmailList = "";
     var sSep = "";

     while ( !oRecordSet.EOF )
      sEmailList += sSep + oRecordSet ( 0 );

      sSep = ";";

      oRecordSet.MoveNext ( );

     // free the connection
     DBReleaseConnection ( );

     Email ( 'It\'s a ShawThing - what\'s new?', sEmailList, sMessage );

     Out ( '<p>Email sent successfully.<p>' );

   Out ( 'Want to see how this form to mail the subscribers was done? Click below to get all the source code!' );
   Out ( '<p><center><a href="ShowSource.asp? page=MailToList"><img src=http://www.cncms.com/"images/source.gif" border=0></a></center>' );

  Out ( '</td>' );
  Out ( '<td width="20%"> </td>' );

// ============================================
// email me!
// ============================================
function Email ( sSubject, sEmail, sMessage )
  // send an email to the address just to confirm what just happened
  var oMail = Server.CreateObject ( "CDONTS.NewMail" );

  // setup the mail
  oMail.From = oMail.To = 'MailingList@shawthing.com';

  oMail.Bcc = sEmail;
  oMail.Importance = 1;

  oMail.Subject = sSubject;
  oMail.Body = sMessage;

  // send it
  oMail.Send ( );

  // release object
  oMail = null;
// globals
var oConnection;
var oRecordSet;
var sConnection;

// ============================================
// example usage:
//   DBInitConnection ( );
//   var sSQL = "SELECT * FROM Somewhere";
//   DBGetRecords ( sSQL );
//   ...use oRecordSet
//   DBReleaseRecords ( );   // optional step
//   DBReleaseConnection ( );
// ============================================

// ============================================
// initializes database variables for first use on page
// ============================================
function DBInitConnection ( )
  // don't open it again if already opened!
  if ( sConnection != undefined )
  // get connection object
  oConnection = Server.CreateObject( 'ADODB.Connection' );

  // get the database connection string
  // use MapPath to make relative path into physical path
  sConnection = 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=' + Server.MapPath ( sDBPath );

  // open the connection
  oConnection.Open( sConnection );

  // as an attempt at optimization we now open
  // the recordset here, not in DBGetRecords()
  oRecordSet = Server.CreateObject ( 'ADODB.Recordset' );

// ============================================
// tidies up after DBInitConnection
// ============================================
function DBReleaseConnection ( )
  // don't release the connection if not connected!
  if ( sConnection == undefined )
  // as an attempt at optimization we now close
  // the recordset here, not in DBReleaseRecords()
  if ( oRecordSet.State != 0 )
  oRecordSet = undefined;

  oConnection = undefined;
  sConnection = undefined;

// ============================================
// executes the passed in SQL statement
// and returns the oRecordSet object
// ============================================
function DBGetRecords ( sSQL )
  // remember that this can fail if passed garbage, and hence
  // 'oRecordSet' will already be 'closed'
  oRecordSet = oConnection.Execute( sSQL );

// ============================================
// tidies up after DBGetRecords
// ============================================
function DBReleaseRecords ( )
  // as an attempt at optimization we now open/close
  // the recordset with the connection, not separately
  // so all code was moved to DBReleaseConnection.
  // it is recommended that you still call this function as soon
  // as the recordset is finished with.
  // note that it is assumed by the caller that it is legal
  // to call DBReleaseConnection without calling this function

Tags:一个 邮件列表

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