开发学院WEB开发ASP WCF技术剖析之三十:一个很有用的WCF调用编程技巧... 阅读


 2010-01-06 10:42:53 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:在进行基于会话信道的WCF服务调用中,由于受到并发信道数量的限制,WCF技术剖析之三十:一个很有用的WCF调用编程技巧,我们需要及时的关闭信道;当遇到某些异常,我们需要强行中止(Abort)信道,所有关于服务调用的细节均被封装在服务代理中, 1: using System; 2: using Artech.Lib; 3


class PRogram{  static void Main(string[] args)  {    using (ChannelFactory<ICalculator> channelFactory = new ChannelFactory<ICalculator>("calculatorservice"))    {      ICalculator calculator = channelFactory.CreateChannel();      using (calculator as IDisposable)      {        try        {          Console.WriteLine("x + y = {2} when x = {0} and y = {1}", 1, 2, calculator.Add(1, 2));        }        catch (TimeoutException)        {          (calculator as ICommunicationObject).Abort();          throw;        }        catch (CommunicationException)        {          (calculator as ICommunicationObject).Abort();          throw;        }      }    }     Console.Read();  }}

  1: using System;  2: using System.Collections.Generic;  3: using System.ServiceModel;  4: namespace Artech.Lib  5: {  6:   public class ServiceInvoker  7:   {  8:     private static Dictionary<string, ChannelFactory> channelFactories = new Dictionary<string, ChannelFactory>();  9:     private static object syncHelper = new object(); 10:  11:     private static ChannelFactory<TChannel> GetChannelFactory<TChannel>(string endpointConfigurationName) 12:     { 13:       ChannelFactory<TChannel> channelFactory = null; 14:       if (channelFactories.ContainsKey(endpointConfigurationName)) 15:       { 16:         channelFactory = channelFactories[endpointConfigurationName] as ChannelFactory<TChannel>; 17:       } 18:  19:       if (null == channelFactory) 20:       { 21:         channelFactory = new ChannelFactory<TChannel>(endpointConfigurationName); 22:         lock (syncHelper) 23:         { 24:           channelFactories[endpointConfigurationName] = channelFactory; 25:         } 26:       } 27:       return channelFactory; 28:     } 29:  30:     public static void Invoke<TChannel>(Action<TChannel> action, TChannel proxy) 31:     { 32:       ICommunicationObject channel = proxy as ICommunicationObject; 33:       if (null == channel) 34:       { 35:         throw new ArgumentException("The proxy is not a valid channel implementing the ICommunicationObject interface", "proxy"); 36:       } 37:       try 38:       { 39:         action(proxy); 40:       } 41:       catch (TimeoutException) 42:       { 43:         channel.Abort(); 44:         throw; 45:       } 46:       catch (CommunicationException) 47:       { 48:         channel.Abort(); 49:         throw; 50:       } 51:       finally 52:       { 53:         channel.Close(); 54:       } 55:     } 56:  57:     public static TResult Invoke<TChannel, TResult>(Func<TChannel, TResult> function, TChannel proxy) 58:     { 59:       ICommunicationObject channel = proxy as ICommunicationObject; 60:       if (null == channel) 61:       { 62:         throw new ArgumentException("The proxy is not a valid channel implementing the ICommunicationObject interface", "proxy"); 63:       } 64:       try 65:       { 66:        return function(proxy); 67:       } 68:       catch (TimeoutException) 69:       { 70:         channel.Abort(); 71:         throw; 72:       } 73:       catch (CommunicationException) 74:       { 75:         channel.Abort(); 76:         throw; 77:       } 78:       finally 79:       { 80:         channel.Close(); 81:       } 82:     } 83:  84:     public static void Invoke<TChannel>(Action<TChannel> action, string endpointConfigurationName) 85:     { 86:       Guard.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(endpointConfigurationName, "endpointConfigurationName"); 87:       Invoke<TChannel>(action, GetChannelFactory<TChannel>(endpointConfigurationName).CreateChannel()); 88:     } 89:  90:     public static TResult Invoke<TChannel, TResult>(Func<TChannel, TResult> function, string endpointConfigurationName) 91:     { 92:       Guard.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(endpointConfigurationName, "endpointConfigurationName");       93:       return Invoke<TChannel, TResult>(function, GetChannelFactory<TChannel>(endpointConfigurationName).CreateChannel()); 94:     }     95:   } 96: }

处于对性能的考虑,避免对ChannelFactory<TChannel>的频繁创建,通过一个字典对象将创建出来的ChannelFactory<TChannel>缓存起来;两个Invoke方法中,服务的调用通过两个Delegate对象(Action<TChannel>和Func<TChannel, TResult>)表示,另一个参数表示终结点的配置名称。那么这时的服务调用就会变得相当简单:

  1: using System;  2: using Artech.Lib;  3: using Artech.WcfServices.Contracts;  4: namespace Artech.WcfServices.Clients  5: {  6:   class Program  7:   {  8:     static void Main(string[] args)  9:     { 10:       int result = ServiceInvoker.Invoke<ICalculator, int>(calculator => calculator.Add(1, 2), "calculatorservice"); 11:       Console.WriteLine("x + y = {2} when x = {0} and y = {1}", 1, 2, result); 12:       Console.Read(); 13:     } 14:   } 15: }

  1: using System;  2: namespace Artech.Lib  3: {  4:   public class ServiceInvoker<TChannel>:ServiceInvoker  5:   {  6:     public string EndpointConfigurationName  7:     {get; private set;}  8:   9:     public ServiceInvoker(string endpointConfigurationName) 10:     { 11:       Guard.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(endpointConfigurationName, "endpointConfigurationName"); 12:       this.EndpointConfigurationName = endpointConfigurationName; 13:     } 14:  15:     public void Invoke(Action<TChannel> action) 16:     { 17:       Invoke<TChannel>(action, this.EndpointConfigurationName); 18:     } 19:  20:     public TResult Invoke<TResult>(Func<TChannel, TResult> function) 21:     { 22:       return Invoke<TChannel, TResult>(function, this.EndpointConfigurationName); 23:     } 24:   } 25: }


  1: namespace Artech.Lib  2: {  3:   public class ServiceProxyBase<TChannel>  4:   {  5:     public virtual ServiceInvoker<TChannel> Invoker  6:     { get; private set; }  7:   8:     public ServiceProxyBase(string endpointConfigurationName)  9:     { 10:       Guard.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(endpointConfigurationName, "endpointConfigurationName"); 11:       this.Invoker = new ServiceInvoker<TChannel>(endpointConfigurationName); 12:     } 13:   } 14: }

  1: using Artech.Lib;  2: using Artech.WcfServices.Contracts;  3: namespace Artech.WcfServices.Clients  4: {  5:   public class CalculatorProxy : ServiceProxyBase<ICalculator>, ICalculator  6:   {  7:     public CalculatorProxy():base(Constants.EndpointConfigurationNames.CalculatorService)  8:     { }  9:  10:     public int Add(int x, int y) 11:     { 12:       return this.Invoker.Invoke<int>(calculator => calculator.Add(x, y)); 13:     } 14:   } 15:  16:   public class Constants 17:   { 18:     public class EndpointConfigurationNames 19:     { 20:       public const string CalculatorService = "calculatorservice"; 21:     } 22:   } 23: }

  1: using System;  2: using Artech.Lib;  3: using Artech.WcfServices.Contracts;  4: namespace Artech.WcfServices.Clients  5: {  6:   class Program  7:   {  8:     static void Main(string[] args)  9:     { 10:       CalculatorProxy calculatorProxy = new CalculatorProxy(); 11:       int result = calculatorProxy.Add(1, 2); 12:       Console.WriteLine("x + y = {2} when x = {0} and y = {1}", 1, 2, result); 13:       Console.Read(); 14:     } 15:   } 16: }


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