ASP将两个数组合并为一个数组函数 array_merge()
2009-05-04 10:40:31 来源:WEB开发网<%
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' Merge two arrays into one.
function array_merge(byVal firstArray, byVal secondArray)
dim totalSize
dim i
dim combinedArray
' Ensure that we're dealing with arrays.
if not isArray(firstArray) then
firstArray = Array(firstArray)
end if
if not isArray(secondArray) then
secondArray = Array(secondArray)
end if
' Set up the new array.
totalSize = uBound(firstArray) + uBound(secondArray) + 1
combinedArray = firstArray
redim PReserve combinedArray(totalSize)
for i = 0 to uBound(secondArray)
combinedArray(uBound(firstArray) + 1 + i) = secondArray(i)
array_merge = combinedArray
end function
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