开发学院WEB开发ASP ASP几个实现与PHP相同功能的同名函数 阅读


 2009-05-04 10:40:29 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:<% function htmlspecialchars(someString) htmlspecialchars = replace(replace(replace(replace(someString, "&", "&"), ">", &q
function htmlspecialchars(someString)  
htmlspecialchars = replace(replace(replace(replace(someString, "&", "&"), ">", ">"), "<", "<"), """", """)  
end function  
function htmlspecialchars_decode(someString)  
htmlspecialchars_decode = replace(replace(replace(replace(someString, "&", "&"), ">", ">"), "<", "<"), """, """")  
end function  
sub echo(someText)  
     Response.Write Replace(someText, "\n", vbCrLf)  
end sub  
function nl2br(someText)  
     nl2br = Replace(someText, vbCrLf, "<br />")  
end function  
Function Wordwrap(str,width,breakString)  
 Dim words  
 Dim out, temp  
 Dim i,k  
 out = "" 
 words = Split(str," ")  
 For i = 0 To UBound(words)  
  If Len(words(i)) >= width Then 
  temp = "" 
  parola = words(i)  
  For k = 1 To Len(parola)  
   temp = Left(parola,k)  
   If len(temp)>=width Then 
   out = out & temp & breakString  
   parola = Right(parola,Len(parola) - width)  
   k = 1  
   temp = "" 
   End if  
  out = out & temp & breakString  
  out = out & words(i) & breakString  
  End If 
 wordwrap = Trim(out)  
End Function 

Tags:ASP 实现 PHP

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