开发学院WEB开发ASP 不用Global.asa实现在线人数统计 阅读


 2001-05-21 10:18:54 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:<%'count online user without using Global.asa'script by Narong Khotarasakit'webmaster of ezebox.com'report bug : info@ezebox.comsessionID = s
'count online user without using Global.asa
'script by Narong Khotarasakit
'webmaster of ezebox.com
'report bug : info@ezebox.com

sessionID = session.SessionID
timeout = 5
' set how long to keep this session in minute you can increase this number

Conn_String = "DRIVER={Microsoft access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("count.mdb")
'Conn_String = "activeUser"
'set your DSN = "activeuser" is a better way because you need include this file to all your asp scripts.

Set ConnCount =Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
ConnCount.Open Conn_String

' delete session after timeout
aaa = dateadd("n", -timeout, now())
connCount.Execute ("delete * from count where postdate < #" & aaa & "#")

' keep sessionID
sql0 = "select sess from count where sess='" & sessionID & "'"
set rscheck = connCount.Execute (sql0)
if rscheck.eof then
sql = "insert into count (sess,postdate) values('" & sessionID & "', '" & now() & "')"
connCount.Execute (sql)
end if
set rscheck = nothing

'count sessionID
sql2 = "select count(sess) from count"
set rs = connCount.Execute (sql2)
count = rs(0)
set rs = nothing

sql3 = "select * from count"
set rsPRedel = connCount.Execute (sql3)
do until rspredel.eof
xxx=DateDiff("n", rspredel("postdate"), Now())
if xxx > timeout then
count = count-1
end if
set rspredel = nothing

set connCount = nothing

if count = 0 then
count = 1
end if

<%=count%> Active users

Tags:不用 Global asa

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