2010-04-26 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网同样的,我们还可以在智能对象上做一个选区,然后应用一个高斯模糊的滤镜.大家也可以自己发挥.
After doing the desired effects, you will get a set of layers that look similar to what I have here. Several adjustment layers above and filters below the original photo Smart Object.
再做完所有效果后, 你会得到一系列的图层,大概和我这里差不多.几个调整图层在上面,然后滤镜效果在智能图层的下面.
Here comes the fun part, you are able to apply the same effects to another photo easily. What you need to do is only to right-click on the photo Smart Object layer and choose “Replace Contents” then select a new photograph.
There you have it! Isn’t Smart Object an amazing feature to use? Hope you will find this little tip useful for your future design works. Cheers.