2010-04-26 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网智能对象的用途
一旦你把一个或者一组图层转换为智能对象,将其复制几份,然后对其中任意一份进行处理,其他几个都会发生相同的变化.下图就是该方法的一个例子.我们经常需要调整某一系列零件(比如网页按钮)的外观,使其中整副图像中的效果更好,所以这种方法在做设计稿时十分有用.我们只需要改变其中一个智能对象, 就可以控制所有副本在全局中的变化.
这里需要注意的一个重点是,双击一个智能对象图层的时候会打开一个.psb的新文档窗口,智能对象图层包含的内容都在里面.当处理完得到想要的效果后,请记得一定要保存这个.psb文件 (ctrl+s),这样在.psd文档里相应的对象及副本才会产生改变.当然每个智能对象.psb文件还可以单独存储起来,以便于在以后的设计中重复使用.
Following is an example showing what we normally do to a post summary. There will be a thumbnail, post title, post summary and read more button. What we usually do is to group them all up in a single folder and duplicate them several times. This not only makes Photoshop performs slower due to the many layers and it is also troublesome if we just need to do one simple amendment, such as changing the font for post title.
So what we can do to improve our effiency is to convert the entire group folder into one Smart Object!