Create a Textured Journal Icon
2008-11-05 14:45:42 来源:WEB开发网Step 26
Grab the binding, copy and paste in front, and make the following gradient. Also give it the same leather texture as you did in the previous step.
Step 27
In this step, we are going to create depth for the strap of the journal. Copy and paste the strap. Move it slightly above the original. Grab the original and change it’s fill to black. Then click Effect->Blur->Gaussian Blur. Choose 2 for the amount.
Step 28
Repeat the texturing technique for the strap. Here’s what my illustration looks like thus far.
Step 29
Grab the trusty pen tool once again and draw out a simple black stroke shape for the stitching of the strap. Then open up the stroke palette (Window->Stroke). Change the weight to .75, check the dashed line box, change the dash to 1 and the gap to 2.
Step 30
All we have left are a couple of shadows. Make a trapezoid shape similar to that of the journal. Fill it with black and send it to the back (ctrl + shift + [). Place it where you think the shadow would be and add a gaussian blur of 20. Then I dropped the opacity of the object to 60%.
Step 31
Follow the same steps to add a shadow for the bookmark. And Your done!
That’s it! As always I’d love to hear your thoughts on this tutorial. And if you come step through it to create your own design, please consider sharing it at MyInkBlog Flickr group.