开发学院图形图像Flash Flash AS3教程:组件的组合运用制作FLV播放器 阅读

Flash AS3教程:组件的组合运用制作FLV播放器

 2010-08-09 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:组件的组合运用(FLV播放器)声明:本实例为Adobe的实例,非本人原创,Flash AS3教程:组件的组合运用制作FLV播放器,实现的功能:按前进、后退按钮可选择播放,拖动滑块可调节音量,拖ForwardButton到场景中,命名为:forwardButton,测试环境:Flash CS41、组织界面: 新建Flas




测试环境:Flash CS4



打开组件面板,点开User Interface组。把Label拖到场景中,命名为:postionLabel,拖ProgressBar到场景中,命名为:positionBar,拖Slider到场景中,命名为:volumeSlider,点开Video组。拖PlayButton到场景中,命名为:playButton,拖PauseButton到场景中,命名为:pauseButton,拖StopButton到场景中,命名为:stopButton,拖BackButton到场景中,命名为:backButton,拖ForwardButton到场景中,命名为:forwardButton。组织好位置如图1图2:


package {
        import fl.controls.*;
        import fl.events.SliderEvent;
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.events.Event;
        import flash.events.MouseEvent;
        import flash.events.NetStatusEvent;
        import flash.events.TimerEvent;
        import flash.media.SoundTransform;
        import flash.media.Video;
        import flash.net.NetConnection;
        import flash.net.NetStream;
        import flash.net.URLLoader;
        import flash.net.URLRequest;
        import flash.utils.Timer;

        public class VideoJukebox extends Sprite {
                 * The amount of time between calls to update the playhead timer, in
                 * milliseconds.
                private const PLAYHEAD_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS:uint = 10;

                 * The path to the XML file containing the video playlist.
                private const PLAYLIST_XML_URL:String = "playlist.xml";

                 * The client object to use for the NetStream object.
                private var client:Object;

                 * The index of the currently playing video.
                private var idx:uint = 0;

                 * A copy of the current video's metadata object.
                private var meta:Object;
                private var nc:NetConnection;
                private var ns:NetStream;
                private var playlist:XML;
                private var t:Timer;
                private var uldr:URLLoader;
                private var vid:Video;
                private var videosXML:XMLList;
                 * The SoundTransform object used to set the volume for the NetStream.
                private var volumeTransform:SoundTransform;

                 * Constructor
                public function VideoJukebox() {
                        // Initialize the uldr variable which will be used to load the external
                        // playlist XML file.
                        uldr = new URLLoader();
                        uldr.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlCompleteHandler);
                        uldr.load(new URLRequest(PLAYLIST_XML_URL));

                 * Once the XML file has loaded, parse the file contents into an XML object,
                 * and create an XMList for the video nodes in the XML.
                private function xmlCompleteHandler(event:Event):void {
                        playlist = XML(event.target.data);
                        videosXML = playlist.video;

                 * The main application.
                private function main():void {
                        volumeTransform = new SoundTransform();

                        // Create the client object for the NetStream, and set up a callback
                        // handler for the onMetaData event.
                        client = new Object();
                        client.onMetaData = metadataHandler;

                        nc = new NetConnection();

                        // Initialize the NetSteam object, add a listener for the netStatus
                        // event, and set the client for the NetStream.
                        ns = new NetStream(nc);
                        ns.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
                        ns.client = client;

                        // Initialize the Video object, attach the NetStram, and add the Video
                        // object to the display list.
                        vid = new Video();
            vid.x = 20;
            vid.y = 75;

                        // Begin playback of the first video.

                        // Initialize the Timer object and set the delay to
                        // PLAYHEAD_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS milliseconds.
                        t = new Timer(PLAYHEAD_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS);
                        t.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerHandler);

                        // Configure the positionBar ProgressBar instance and set the mode to
                        // MANUAL. Progress  bar values will be explicitly set using the
                        // setProgress() method.
                        positionBar.mode = ProgressBarMode.MANUAL;

                        // Configure the volumeSlider Slider component instance. The maximum
                        // value is set to 1 because the volume in the SoundTransform object
                        // is set to a number between 0 and 1. The snapInterval and tickInterval
                        // properties are set to 0.1 which allows users to set the volume to
                        // 0, 0.1 - 0.9, 1.0 which allows users to increment or decrement the
                        // volume by 10%.
                        volumeSlider.value = volumeTransform.volume;
                        volumeSlider.minimum = 0;
                        volumeSlider.maximum = 1;
                        volumeSlider.snapInterval = 0.1;
                        volumeSlider.tickInterval = volumeSlider.snapInterval;

                        // Setting the liveDragging property to true causes the Slider
                        // instance's change event to be dispatched whenever the slider is
                        // moved, rather than when the user releases the slider thumb.
                        volumeSlider.liveDragging = true;
                        volumeSlider.addEventListener(SliderEvent.CHANGE, volumeChangeHandler);

                        // Configure the various Button instances. Each Button instance uses
                        // the same click handler.
                        playButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonClickHandler);
                        pauseButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonClickHandler);
                        stopButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonClickHandler);
                        backButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonClickHandler);
                        forwardButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonClickHandler);

                 * Event listener for the volumeSlider instance. Called when the user
                 * changes the value of the volume slider.
                private function volumeChangeHandler(event:SliderEvent):void {
                        // Set the volumeTransform's volume property to the current value of the
                        // Slider and set the NetStream object's soundTransform property.
                        volumeTransform.volume = event.value;
                        ns.soundTransform = volumeTransform;

                 * Event listener for the ns object. Called when the net stream's status
                 * changes.
                private function netStatusHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void {
                        try {
                                switch (event.info.code) {
                                        case "NetStream.Play.Start" :
                                                // If the current code is Start, start the timer object.
                                        case "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound" :
                                        case "NetStream.Play.Stop" :
                                                // If the current code is Stop or StreamNotFound, stop
                                                // the timer object and play the next video in the playlist.
                        } catch (error:TypeError) {
                                // Ignore any errors.

                 * Event listener for the ns object's client property. This method is called
                 * when the net stream object receives metadata information for a video.
                private function metadataHandler(metadataObj:Object):void {
                        // Store the metadata information in the meta object.
                        meta = metadataObj;
                        // Resize the Video instance on the display list with the video's width
                        // and height from the metadata object.
                        vid.width = meta.width;
                        vid.height = meta.height;
                        // Reposition and resize the positionBar progress bar based on the
                        // current video's dimensions.
                        positionBar.move(vid.x, vid.y + vid.height);
                        positionBar.width = vid.width;

                 * Retrieve the current video from the playlist XML object.
                private function getVideo():String {
                        return videosXML[idx].@url;

                 * Play the currently selected video.
                private function playVideo():void {
                        var url:String = getVideo();

                 * Decrease the current video index and begin playback of the video.
                private function playPreviousVideo():void {
                        if (idx > 0) {
                                // Make sure the positionBar progress bar is visible.
                                positionBar.visible = true;

                 * Increase the current video index and begin playback of the video.
                private function playNextVideo():void {
                        if (idx < (videosXML.length() - 1)) {
                                // If this is not the last video in the playlist increase the
                                // video index and play the next video.
                                // Make sure the positionBar progress bar is visible.
                                positionBar.visible = true;
                        } else {
                                // If this is the last video in the playlist increase the video
                                // index, clear the contents of the Video object and hide the
                                // positionBar progress bar. The video index is increased so that
                                // when the video ends, clicking the backButton will play the
                                // correct video.
                                positionBar.visible = false;

                 * Click handler for each of the video playback buttons.
private function buttonClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
        // Use a switch statement to determine which button was clicked.
        switch (event.currentTarget) {
                case playButton :
                        // If the play button was clicked, resume the video playback.
                        // If the video was already playing, this has no effect.
                case pauseButton :
                        // If the pause button was clicked, pause the video playback.
                        // If the video was already playing, the video will be paused.
                        // If the video was already paused, the video will be resumed.
                case stopButton :
                        // If the stop button was clicked, pause the video playback
                        // and reset the playhead back to the beginning of the video.
                case backButton :
                        // If the back button was clicked, play the previous video in
                        // the playlist.
                case forwardButton :
                        // If the forward button was clicked, play the next video in
                        // the playlist.

                 * Event handler for the timer object. This method is called every
                 * PLAYHEAD_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS milliseconds as long as the timer is running.
                private function timerHandler(event:TimerEvent):void {
                        try {
                                // Update the progress bar and label based on the amount of video
                                // that has played back.
                                positionBar.setProgress(ns.time, meta.duration);
                                positionLabel.text = ns.time.toFixed(1) + " of " + meta.duration.toFixed(1) + " seconds";
                        } catch (error:Error) {
                                // Ignore this error.

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