开发学院图形图像3Dmax 3DS MAX Modeling Ears in 3D Tutorial 阅读

3DS MAX Modeling Ears in 3D Tutorial

 2009-02-16 16:56:39 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: Select the faces shown in the image and extrude them as indicated.Select the highlighted face and delete it.At the top of the ear, merge the vert

Select the faces shown in the image and extrude them as indicated.

3DS MAX Modeling Ears in 3D Tutorial

Select the highlighted face and delete it.

3DS MAX Modeling Ears in 3D Tutorial

At the top of the ear, merge the vertices as shown in the sequence.

3DS MAX Modeling Ears in 3D Tutorial

Cut a new loop as shown. Then, repeat the same operation as we did with the other crura of the antihelix as shown above.

3DS MAX Modeling Ears in 3D Tutorial

Reposition the vertices as shown.

3DS MAX Modeling Ears in 3D Tutorial

Select the 2 highlighted edges and create a face between them. Then, fill a new face on each side.

3DS MAX Modeling Ears in 3D Tutorial

Fill in 2 new faces to complete the triangular fossa.

3DS MAX Modeling Ears in 3D Tutorial

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