3DS MAX Modeling Ears in 3D Tutorial
2009-02-16 16:56:39 来源:WEB开发网If you activate the “subsurf modifier” you may see if the edges of your model are too sharp in some places; if so, you can use the “smooth brush” in “sculpt mode” to relax the geometry where it’s needed.
Select the highlighted faces and delete them to make room for the ear.
Place the ear at the side of the head and, in front view, rotate it slightly in the “Z” axis”, as shown in the image.
Select the free edge loops of the head and ear and press SHIFT + F to create faces in between. Press ALT + J to reduce the number of triangles. It may look a bit like a mess, but we’ll deal with that in the next step.
Activate the “subsurf modifier”
A. Some normals are pointing inwards.
B. In edit mode, select all the faces of the model and press CTRL + N to recalculate the normals outside.
C. In sculpt mode, use the “smooth brush” to relax the geometry and remove any visible artifacts around the ear.
This concludes the “Ear Tutorial”. None of these steps are written in stone so feel free to tweak them around and experiment on your own.
Thanks a lot to the CGArena for giving me the opportunity to share what I have learned with the rest of the CG community.