开发学院图形图像3Dmax 3DS MAX Modeling Ears in 3D Tutorial 阅读

3DS MAX Modeling Ears in 3D Tutorial

 2009-02-16 16:56:39 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: Fill in 3 new faces to complete the cymba.Select the highlighted face and extrude it according to the sequence. At the end, join it with the heli

Fill in 3 new faces to complete the cymba.

3DS MAX Modeling Ears in 3D Tutorial

Select the highlighted face and extrude it according to the sequence. At the end, join it with the helix. Remember to delete the unwanted new faces at the back.

3DS MAX Modeling Ears in 3D Tutorial

A.    Select the 6 highlighted vertices

B / C.  Extrude the them inwards and scale the ring down a bit

D.    Extrude the ring to create the ear canal.

3DS MAX Modeling Ears in 3D Tutorial

Follow the sequence to complete the shape of the ear.

3DS MAX Modeling Ears in 3D Tutorial

Extrude and scale the selected face to create the tragus.

3DS MAX Modeling Ears in 3D Tutorial

Move the selected edge outwards to create a little bulge on the ear lobule.

3DS MAX Modeling Ears in 3D Tutorial

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