2008-11-05 16:43:45 来源:WEB开发网3. Right now, you can't see spline clearly because it's just like a vertical line. Select one helper in the middle (Point 02) and move it around. Now, you can see a spline. Bones also move based on spline shape. SplineIKSolver is one of Inverse Kinematic (IK) type. SplineIKSolver is unique because it uses spline to control bone movement. Press Ctrl+Z in keyboard to undo. Make sure bones are back to their initial position (vertical).
4. Right now, you can only move bones. Next, you will make objects also move with bones. Usually, we "skin" objects in order to work with bones. But, because we are using non-deformable objects like piston or rod, it's enough just by linking object to bone. First, select piston object. Activate Select And Link button. Then click piston, hold and drag to Bone 02. If linking is successful, you will see white flash in object. If you find difficulties in selecting bone, you can try another way. Select piston, activate Select And Link button, click Select by Name button (press H in keyboard). In opened window, choose Bone 02 and click Link.
Using the same procedure, link connecting rod to Bone 01. Now, try to move Point 02. Both objects should follow bones movement. Don't forget to undo (all bones should go back to initial position).