Oracle 8i中回滚段使用和ORA-1555
2007-05-10 12:20:34 来源:WEB开发网5. Read the Transaction Table using the Transaction ID. If the transaction has been committed and has a System Commit Number less than the querys System Change Number, update the status of the block (block cleanout) and start over at step 1.
---IF 在Transaction Table 中根据Transaction ID 找到transaction
-----------IF transaction 已经commit
----------------------IF query scn>commit scn
------------------------------------则接受该块,进行clean out,返回1
------------------------ELSEIF query scn
------------ELSEIF transaction 没有commit
---ELSEIF 在Transaction Table 中没有找到transaction(undo header中的transaction slot被覆盖了,也说明事务已经提交,因为只有提交后所在的transaction slot才能被覆盖。这样query scn则去比较control scn。在该回滚段上control scn以前的transaction都已经被提交,也就是事务表中所能找到的最小的commit scn了)
------------IF query scn
-----------------------则无法知道query scn和commit scn得大小关系,出现ORA-01555错误
------------IF query scn>control scn
-----------------------则query scn肯定>commit scn
------------------------------------则接受该块,进行clean out,并将block 中ITL标记上“U”,表示“upper bound commit” ,并返回1
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