SQL Server中的模式匹配
2007-11-11 10:41:57 来源:WEB开发网核心提示: sql server(WINDOWS平台上强大的数据库平台) Books Online上面搜索like,找到了包含%,_,[],[^]几个通配符,SQL Server中的模式匹配,如:select * from mybbs where Content like '[w]%
sql server(WINDOWS平台上强大的数据库平台) Books Online上面搜索like,找到了包含%,_,[],[^]几个通配符。
如:select * from mybbs where Content like '[w]%'
sql server(WINDOWS平台上强大的数据库平台) Books中的部分解释如下:
Pattern Matching in Search Conditions
The LIKE keyword uses a regular expression to contain the pattern that the values are matched against. The pattern contains the character string to search for, which can contain any combination of four wildcards.
Enclose the wildcard(s) and the character string in single quotation marks, for example:
- LIKE '%en%' searches for all strings that contain the letters en anywhere in the string (Bennet, Green, McBadden).
- LIKE '_heryl' searches for all six-letter names ending with the letters heryl (Cheryl, Sheryl).
- LIKE '[CK]ars[eo]n' searches for Carsen, Karsen, Carson, and Karson (Carson).
- LIKE '[M-Z]inger' searches for all names ending with the letters inger that begin with any single letter from M through Z (Ringer).
- LIKE 'M[^c]%' searches for all names beginning with the letter M that do not have the letter c as the second letter (MacFeather).
This query finds all phone numbers in the authors table that have area code 415:
SELECT phoneFROM pubs.dbo.authorsWHERE phone LIKE '415%'
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