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开发学院数据库MSSQL Server DataSet导出到Excel比较完整的解决方案(二)--服... 阅读

DataSet导出到Excel比较完整的解决方案(二)--服务器端生成文件(downmoon) (下)

 2009-01-16 10:19:11 来源:WEB开发网 闂侀潧妫撮幏锟�闂佸憡鍨电换鎰版儍椤掑倵鍋撳☉娆嶄沪缂傚稄鎷�婵犫拃鍛粶闁靛洤娲ㄩ埀顒佺⊕閵囩偟绱為敓锟�闂侀潧妫撮幏锟�  闂佺ǹ绻楀▍鏇㈠极閻愬搫绾ч柕濠忕細閼割亜顪冪€n剙浠ф繛鍫熷灥椤曘儵顢欓悡搴ば�
核心提示:主要的类文件如下:ExcelReaderClass/** <summary>/// Summary description for ExcelReader./// </summary>public class ExcelReader : IDisposable{Variables#region



/**//// <summary>
  /// Summary description for ExcelReader.
  /// </summary>
  public class ExcelReader : IDisposable
    Variables#region Variables
    private int[] _PKCol;
    private string _strExcelFilename;
    private bool _blnMixedData = true;
    private bool _blnHeaders = false;
    private string _strSheetName;
    private string _strSheetRange;
    private bool _blnKeepConnectionOpen = false;
    private OleDbConnection _oleConn;
    private OleDbCommand _oleCmdSelect;
    private OleDbCommand _oleCmdUpdate;
    properties#region properties
    public int[] PKCols
      get { return _PKCol; }
      set { _PKCol = value; }
    public string ColName(int intCol)
      string sColName = "";
      if (intCol < 26)
        sColName = Agronet.Common.Framework.Util.SQLParser.StringParse(Convert.ToChar((Convert.ToByte((char)'A') + intCol)));
        int intFirst = ((int)intCol / 26);
        int intSecond = ((int)intCol % 26);
        sColName = Agronet.Common.Framework.Util.SQLParser.StringParse(Convert.ToByte((char)'A') + intFirst);
        sColName += Agronet.Common.Framework.Util.SQLParser.StringParse(Convert.ToByte((char)'A') + intSecond);
      return sColName;
    public int ColNumber(string strCol)
      strCol = strCol.ToUpper();
      int intColNumber = 0;
      if (strCol.Length > 1)
        intColNumber = Agronet.Common.Framework.Util.SQLParser.ShortParse(Convert.ToByte(strCol[1]) - 65);
        intColNumber += Agronet.Common.Framework.Util.SQLParser.ShortParse(Convert.ToByte(strCol[1]) - 64) * 26;
        intColNumber = Agronet.Common.Framework.Util.SQLParser.ShortParse(Convert.ToByte(strCol[0]) - 65);
      return intColNumber;
    public String[] GetExcelSheetNames()
      System.Data.DataTable dt = null;
        if (_oleConn == null) Open();
        // Get the data table containing the schema
        dt = _oleConn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null);
        if (dt == null) { return null; }
        String[] excelSheets = new String[dt.Rows.Count];
        int i = 0;
        // Add the sheet name to the string array.
        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
          string strSheetTableName = row["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();
          excelSheets[i] = strSheetTableName.Substring(0, strSheetTableName.Length - 1);
        return excelSheets;
      catch (Exception ex)//tony 2008.12.31 update
        string s = ex.Message; return null;
        // Clean up.
        if (this.KeepConnectionOpen == false)
        if (dt != null)
          dt = null;
    public string ExcelFilename
      get { return _strExcelFilename; }
      set { _strExcelFilename = value; }
    public string SheetName
      get { return _strSheetName; }
      set { _strSheetName = value; }
    public string SheetRange
      get { return _strSheetRange; }
        if (value.IndexOf(":") == -1) throw new Exception("Invalid range length");
        _strSheetRange = value;
    public bool KeepConnectionOpen
      get { return _blnKeepConnectionOpen; }
      set { _blnKeepConnectionOpen = value; }
    public bool Headers
      get { return _blnHeaders; }
      set { _blnHeaders = value; }
    public bool MixedData
      get { return _blnMixedData; }
      set { _blnMixedData = value; }
    Methods#region Methods
    Excel Connection#region Excel Connection
    private string ExcelConnectionOptions()
      string strOpts = "";
      if (this.MixedData == true)
        strOpts += "Imex=1;";
      if (this.Headers == true)
        strOpts += "HDR=Yes;";
        strOpts += "HDR=No;";
      return strOpts;
    private string ExcelConnection()
        @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" +
        @"Data Source=" + _strExcelFilename + ";" +
        @"Extended Properties=" + Convert.ToChar(34).ToString() +
        @"Excel 8.0;" + ExcelConnectionOptions() + Convert.ToChar(34).ToString();
    Open / Close#region Open / Close
    public void Open()
        if (_oleConn != null)
          if (_oleConn.State == ConnectionState.Open)
          _oleConn = null;
        if (System.IO.File.Exists(_strExcelFilename) == false)
          throw new Exception("Excel file " + _strExcelFilename + "could not be found.");
        _oleConn = new OleDbConnection(ExcelConnection());
      catch (Exception ex)
        throw ex;
    public void Close()
      if (_oleConn != null)
        if (_oleConn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)
        _oleConn = null;
    Command Select#region Command Select
    private bool SetSheetQuerySelect()
        if (_oleConn == null)
          throw new Exception("Connection is unassigned or closed.");
        if (_strSheetName.Length == 0)
          throw new Exception("Sheetname was not assigned.");
                string tmpStr=@"SELECT * FROM ["
                  + _strSheetName
                  + "$" + _strSheetRange
                  + "]";
        _oleCmdSelect = new OleDbCommand(
          @"SELECT * FROM ["
          + _strSheetName
          + "$" //+ _strSheetRange
          + "]", _oleConn);
        return true;
      catch (Exception ex)
        throw ex;
    simple utilities#region simple utilities
    private string AddWithComma(string strSource, string strAdd)
      if (strSource != "") strSource = strSource += ", ";
      return strSource + strAdd;
    private string AddWithAnd(string strSource, string strAdd)
      if (strSource != "") strSource = strSource += " and ";
      return strSource + strAdd;
    private OleDbDataAdapter SetSheetQueryAdapter(DataTable dt)
      // Deleting in Excel workbook is not possible
      //So this command is not defined
        if (_oleConn == null)
          throw new Exception("Connection is unassigned or closed.");
        if (_strSheetName.Length == 0)
          throw new Exception("Sheetname was not assigned.");
        if (PKCols == null)
          throw new Exception("Cannot update excel sheet with no primarykey set.");
        if (PKCols.Length < 1)
          throw new Exception("Cannot update excel sheet with no primarykey set.");
        OleDbDataAdapter oleda = new OleDbDataAdapter(_oleCmdSelect);
        string strUpdate = "";
        string strInsertPar = "";
        string strInsert = "";
        string strWhere = "";
        for (int iPK = 0; iPK < PKCols.Length; iPK++)
          strWhere = AddWithAnd(strWhere, dt.Columns[iPK].ColumnName + "=?");
        strWhere = " Where " + strWhere;
        for (int iCol = 0; iCol < dt.Columns.Count; iCol++)
          strInsert = AddWithComma(strInsert, dt.Columns[iCol].ColumnName);
          strInsertPar = AddWithComma(strInsertPar, "?");
          strUpdate = AddWithComma(strUpdate, dt.Columns[iCol].ColumnName) + "=?";
        string strTable = "[" + this.SheetName + "$" + this.SheetRange + "]";
        strInsert = "INSERT INTO " + strTable + "(" + strInsert + ") Values (" + strInsertPar + ")";
        strUpdate = "Update " + strTable + " Set " + strUpdate + strWhere;
        oleda.InsertCommand = new OleDbCommand(strInsert, _oleConn);
        oleda.UpdateCommand = new OleDbCommand(strUpdate, _oleConn);
        OleDbParameter oleParIns = null;
        OleDbParameter oleParUpd = null;
        for (int iCol = 0; iCol < dt.Columns.Count; iCol++)
          oleParIns = new OleDbParameter("?", dt.Columns[iCol].DataType.ToString());
          oleParUpd = new OleDbParameter("?", dt.Columns[iCol].DataType.ToString());
          oleParIns.SourceColumn = dt.Columns[iCol].ColumnName;
          oleParUpd.SourceColumn = dt.Columns[iCol].ColumnName;
          oleParIns = null;
          oleParUpd = null;
        for (int iPK = 0; iPK < PKCols.Length; iPK++)
          oleParUpd = new OleDbParameter("?", dt.Columns[iPK].DataType.ToString());
          oleParUpd.SourceColumn = dt.Columns[iPK].ColumnName;
          oleParUpd.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original;
        return oleda;
      catch (Exception ex)
        throw ex;
    command Singe Value Update#region command Singe Value Update
    private bool SetSheetQuerySingelValUpdate(string strVal)
        if (_oleConn == null)
          throw new Exception("Connection is unassigned or closed.");
        if (_strSheetName.Length == 0)
          throw new Exception("Sheetname was not assigned.");
        _oleCmdUpdate = new OleDbCommand(
          @" Update ["
          + _strSheetName
          + "$" + _strSheetRange
          + "] set F1=" + strVal, _oleConn);
        return true;
      catch (Exception ex)
        throw ex;
    public void SetPrimaryKey(int intCol)
      _PKCol = new int[1] { intCol };
    public DataTable GetTable()
      return GetTable("ExcelTable");
    private void SetPrimaryKey(DataTable dt)
        if (PKCols != null)
          //set the primary key
          if (PKCols.Length > 0)
            DataColumn[] dc;
            dc = new DataColumn[PKCols.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < PKCols.Length; i++)
              dc[i] = dt.Columns[PKCols[i]];
            dt.PrimaryKey = dc;
      catch (Exception ex)
        throw ex;
    public DataTable GetTable(string strTableName)
        //Open and query
        if (_oleConn == null) Open();
        if (_oleConn.State != ConnectionState.Open)
          throw new Exception("Connection cannot open error.");
        if (SetSheetQuerySelect() == false) return null;
        //Fill table
        OleDbDataAdapter oleAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter();
        oleAdapter.SelectCommand = _oleCmdSelect;
        DataTable dt = new DataTable(strTableName);
        oleAdapter.FillSchema(dt, SchemaType.Source);
        if (this.Headers == false)
          if (_strSheetRange.IndexOf(":") > 0)
            string FirstCol = _strSheetRange.Substring(0, _strSheetRange.IndexOf(":") - 1);
            int intCol = this.ColNumber(FirstCol);
            for (int intI = 0; intI < dt.Columns.Count; intI++)
              dt.Columns[intI].Caption = ColName(intCol + intI);
        //Cannot delete rows in Excel workbook
        dt.DefaultView.AllowDelete = false;
        //Clean up
        _oleCmdSelect = null;
        oleAdapter = null;
        if (KeepConnectionOpen == false) Close();
        return dt;
      catch (Exception ex)
        throw ex;
    private void CheckPKExists(DataTable dt)
      if (dt.PrimaryKey.Length == 0)
        if (this.PKCols != null)
          throw new Exception("Provide an primary key to the datatable");
    public DataTable SetTable(DataTable dt)
        DataTable dtChanges = dt.GetChanges();
        if (dtChanges == null) throw new Exception("There are no changes to be saved!");
        //Open and query
        if (_oleConn == null) Open();
        if (_oleConn.State != ConnectionState.Open)
          throw new Exception("Connection cannot open error.");
        if (SetSheetQuerySelect() == false) return null;
        //Fill table
        OleDbDataAdapter oleAdapter = SetSheetQueryAdapter(dtChanges);
        //Clean up
        _oleCmdSelect = null;
        oleAdapter = null;
        if (KeepConnectionOpen == false) Close();
        return dt;
      catch (Exception ex)
        throw ex;
    Get/Set Single Value#region Get/Set Single Value
    public void SetSingleCellRange(string strCell)
      _strSheetRange = strCell + ":" + strCell;
    public object GetValue(string strCell)
      object objValue = null;
      //Open and query
      if (_oleConn == null) Open();
      if (_oleConn.State != ConnectionState.Open)
        throw new Exception("Connection is not open error.");
      if (SetSheetQuerySelect() == false) return null;
      objValue = _oleCmdSelect.ExecuteScalar();
      _oleCmdSelect = null;
      if (KeepConnectionOpen == false) Close();
      return objValue;
    public void SetValue(string strCell, object objValue)
        //Open and query
        if (_oleConn == null) Open();
        if (_oleConn.State != ConnectionState.Open)
          throw new Exception("Connection is not open error.");
        if (SetSheetQuerySingelValUpdate(objValue.ToString()) == false) return;
        objValue = _oleCmdUpdate.ExecuteNonQuery();
        _oleCmdUpdate = null;
        if (KeepConnectionOpen == false) Close();
      catch (Exception ex)
        throw ex;
        if (_oleCmdUpdate != null)
          _oleCmdUpdate = null;
    Dispose / Destructor#region Dispose / Destructor
void Dispose()
      if (_oleConn != null)
        _oleConn = null;
      if (_oleCmdSelect != null)
        _oleCmdSelect = null;
      // Dispose of remaining objects.
    CTOR#region CTOR
    public ExcelReader()
      // TODO: Add constructor logic here

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