构建DB2 Cube View元数据桥之二
2005-11-27 21:58:54 来源:WEB开发网- ·ImaginationCubed:网络涂鸦齐开心
·构建DB2 Cube View元数据桥(1)
·构建DB2 Cube View元数据桥之一
·构建DB2 Cube View元数据桥之三
用于调用md_message()存储过程的例程C++代码在sqllib/samples/olap/client/db2mdapiclient.cpp的DB2 Cube View产品中。
/* Calls the DB2 stored procedure passing in the request string * as the first parameter and the metadata string as the second * parameter. If xml(标准化越来越近了)RequestString contains a script or no output * metadata is required the xml(标准化越来越近了)Metadata parameter may be null. * The outputMetadata boolean controls what is returned by the * method. If it is true any output metadata is returned. If * false the response output is returned. */ private String callDB2StoredProc(String xml(标准化越来越近了)RequestString, String xml(标准化越来越近了)MetadataString, boolean outputMetadata) throws OCException, OCApiException { /* Create an SQL command to call the Stored procedure in DB2 * to get the xml(标准化越来越近了) */ String sql = "CALL db2info.MD_MESSAGE (?, ?, ?)"; String response = null; String xml(标准化越来越近了)MetadataResponse = null; CallableStatement callStmt = null; try /* Set input parameter to request and metadata strings. */ /* Register the output parameters. */ /* Call the stored procedure */ /* Retrieve output parameters. If the procedure was called with /* See if there are any warnings. */ /* If execute returns a warning with a non-zero SQL state /* readResponseFromxml(标准化越来越近了) will throw an OCApiException containing /* If an API exception was thrown add the SQL state etc to throw apie; /* If we got here there must have been a warning with nothing try { auroraCatalogConnection.rollback(); } throw newe; |
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