DB2 日常维护技巧,第 2 部分:实例和常用备份策略
2010-04-15 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网如果想查看 DB2DART 的相关语法,可以在当前 DB2CLP 窗口中,发出 DB2DART 命令(不带任何参数),就可以看到其相关选项了,具体如清单 01-34 所示:
清单 3 . DB2DART 命令的相关选项
C:\> db2dart
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Database Analysis Tool
The DB2DART Tool is a utility for the analysis of databases,
tablespaces, and tables. DART's primary function is to
examine databases for their architectural correctness, and to
report any encountered errors.
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db2dart - Database Analysis Tool
The db2dart command analyses databases , table spaces and tables .
The primary function of this command is to examine databases for
architectural correctness , and to report any encountered errors .
Requirements :
db2dart must be run with no users connected to the database .
db2dart < database name > [ action ] [ options . . . ]
( ' db2dart /H ' for extended help )
Command parameters :
/H Displays this help .
( press < enter > for more text )
Inspect actions :
/DB (default) Inspects entire database .
/T Inspects a single table . ( See notes 1 , 3 , 13 )
/TSF Inspects only the table space files and containers .
/TSC Inspects a table space's constructs ( but not its tables ) .
/TS Inspects a single table space and its tables .
( /TSC and /TS require a table space id . See notes 1 , 2 )
/ATSC Inspects constructs of all table spaces ( but not their tables ) .
Data format actions :
/DD Dumps formatted table data . ( See notes 1 , 4 , 13 )
/DM Dumps formatted block map data . ( See notes 1 , 4 , 13 )
/DI Dumps formatted index data . ( See notes 1 , 4 , 12 )
/DXA Dumps formatted xda data in ASCII . ( See notes 1 , 4 , 13 )
/DXH Dumps formatted xda data in Hex . ( See notes 1 , 4 , 13 )
/DP Dumps pages in hex format . ( See notes 1 , 6 , 13 )
/DTSF Dumps formatted table space file information .
/DEMP Dumps formatted EMP information for a DMS table .
( See notes 1 , 3 , 13 )
/DDEL Dumps formatted table data in delimited ASCII format .
( See note 13 )
/DHWM Dumps highwater mark information . ( See notes 1 , 2 , 01 )
/LHWM Suggests ways of lowering highwater mark .
( See notes 1 , 7 , 14 )
( press < enter > for more text )
Repair actions :
Make sure the database is offline for these actions .
/MI Marks index as invalid .
( Database must be offline . See notes 1 , 5 )
/ETS Extends the table limit in a 4K DMS table space , if possible .
( This action requires a table space id . See notes 1 , 2 )
/RHWM Reduces highwater mark through empty SMP extents .
( See notes 1 , 2 )
Change state actions :
Make sure the database is offline for this action .
/CHST Change a state of the database .
( press < enter > for more text )
Input value options :
/OI object-id Specifies the object ID .
/TN table-name Specifies the table name .
/TSI tablespace-id Specifies the table space ID .
/ROW sum Identifies whether L/F descriptors , LOB descriptors
and control information should be checked .
( 1 ) Checks control information in rows .
( 2 ) Checks long field and LOB descriptors .
( see note 8 )
/PS number Specifies the page number to start with .
( Suffix page number with ' p ' for pool relative . )
/NP number Specifies the number of pages .
/V Y/N Specifies whether or not to use verbose option .
( Y ) Verbose .
( N ) No verbose .
/RPT path The path to place report output file ( optional ) .
/RPTN file-name The name of the report file ( optional ) .
/SCR Y/M/N Specifies the type of screen output , if any .
( Y ) Produces normal screen output .
( M ) Produces minimal screen output .
( N ) Produces no screen output .
/RPTF Y/E/N Specifies the type of report file output , if any .
( Y ) Produces normal output .
( E ) Sends only error information to report file .
( N ) Produces no report file output .
/ERR Y/N/E Specifies the type of log to produce in DART .INF ,
if any .
( Y ) Produces a normal log in DART . INF file .
( default )
( N ) Minimizes output to log DART . INF file .
( E ) Minimizes DART . INF file and screen output .
Only error information is logged .
/WHAT DBBP OFF/ON Specifies the database backup pending state .
( OFF ) Off state .
( ON ) On state .
/QCK Quick option . Only applies to /DB , /T , and /TS
Actions . Only inspects page 0 of the DAT
objects and partially inspects the index
objects ( does not inspect BMP , LOB , LF objects
and does not traverse the entirety of the DAT
or INX objects ) .
/TYP Specifies the type of object . Valid values are :
( DAT ) Object type is DAT .
( INX ) Object type is INDEX .
( BKM ) Object type is BMP .
( press < enter > for more text )
Notes :
1 - For actions that require additional input values for identifying the data
to act on , the input values can be specified as arguments along with the
action . If values are not specified you will be prompted for input values .
This does not apply for actions /DDEL . For this , you will be prompted for
the required input values .
2 - Actions /TSC , /TS , /ETS , /DHWM and /RHWM require 1 input value - the
table space ID .
3 - Actions /T and /DEMP require two input values consisting of
table space ID , and either of table object ID or table name .
4 - Actions /DD , /DM , /DXA , DXH and /DI require five input values consisting of
either table object ID or table name, table space ID , page number to start
with, number of pages , and verbose choice .
5 - Action /MI requires two input values consisting of table space ID and
index object ID .
6 - For DMS table spaces , action /DP requires three input values consisting of
table space ID , page number to start with , and number of pages .
For SMS table spaces , action /DP requires five input values consisting of
table space ID , object ID , page number to start with , number of pages ,
and object type .
7 - Action /LHWM requires a table space ID and the number of pages for the
desired highwater mark after lowering it .
8 - For value options where unique values identify different choices for
the option , sum up the values to get the combination of choices .
9 - Default location for report output file is the current directory in a
non-MPP environment , and in the diagnostic directory in a MPP environment .
10 - The scope of db2dart is single node .
11 - In a MPP environment , you can use db2_all to invoke db2dart at all DB2
logical nodes in a single invocation .
12 - For partitioned tables, the /DI action uses index_objectid and tbspaceid
from syscat . indexes as the first two inputs to /OI and /TSI options .
The table name ( /TN ) option is not supported for the action .
13 - For partitioned tables , the /DD , /DM , /DEMP , /DDEL , /DP , /DXA , /DXH
actions use partitionobjectid and tbspaceid from syscat.datapartitions
as the input to the table object ID ( /OI ) and table space ID ( /TSI )
for a specific partition . The table name option ( /TN ) is not supported
for these actions . The /T action supports the table name or global table
object ID when use with global table space ID to check the entire table ,
and also supports using partitionobjectid and tbspaceid from
syscat.datapartitions as the input to /OI and /TSI to check a specific
partition .
14 - In general , db2dart requests to be run when the database is offline .
However for /DHWM and /LHWM actions , this request is not strict .
The report can be generated without database being offline , but results
will vary depending on how much write/update activity has occurred
recently ( less activity implies more reliable results ) .
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