开发学院数据库DB2 学习DB2数据库必须掌握的五十四条常用语句 阅读


 2009-05-18 16:15:11 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: where a.cust_id=d.cust_id16、查找销售总额少于1000元的销售员编号、姓名和销售额select emp_no,emp_name,d.sale_sumfrom employee a,(select sale_id,sale_sumfrom (select sale_

where a.cust_id=d.cust_id


select emp_no,emp_name,d.sale_sum

from employee a,

(select sale_id,sale_sum

from (select sale_id, sum(tot_amt) as sale_sum

from sales

group by sale_id ) b

where b.sale_sum <1000

) d

where a.emp_no=d.sale_id


select a.cust_id,cust_name,b.prod_id,prod_name,d.qty,d.qty*d.unit_price

from customer a, product b, sales c, sale_item d

where a.cust_id=c.cust_id and d.prod_id=b.prod_id and

c.order_no=d.order_no and a.cust_id in (

select cust_id

from (select cust_id,count(distinct prod_id) prodid

from (select cust_id,prod_id

from sales e,sale_item f

where e.order_no=f.order_no) g

group by cust_id

having count(distinct prod_id)>=3) h )


select a.cust_id,cust_name,d.prod_id,prod_name,qty,qty*unit_price

from customer a, product b, sales c, sale_item d

where a.cust_id=c.cust_id and d.prod_id=b.prod_id and

c.order_no=d.order_no and not exists

(select f.*

from customer x ,sales e, sale_item f

where cust_name='世界技术开发公司' and x.cust_id=e.cust_id and

e.order_no=f.order_no and not exists

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Tags:学习 DB 数据库

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