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 2010-08-22 12:34:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:hWndTaskBar = FindWindow(TEXT("HHTaskBar"), NULL);}Toggling Between The Two ModesToggling between the two modes is a simple matter of setting the wind

hWndTaskBar = FindWindow(TEXT("HHTaskBar"), NULL);


Toggling Between The Two ModesToggling between the two modes is a simple matter of setting the windows states, and sizing our window appropriately.To Enter Fullscreen mode we use ShowWindow(HWND,SW_HIDE) on each of the system windows.To Exit Fullscreen mode we use ShowWindow(HWND,SW_SHOW) on each of the system windows. This will however also show the input panel, which is not desirable, so hWndInputPanel should be ignored.Sizing the window to the correct size involves a different system call depending on whether you are entering or exiting Fullscreen Mode.Entering Fullscreen mode we call SetWindowPos(hWnd... using the results from a GetSystemMetrics call.Exiting Fullscreen mode we call SetWindowPos(hWnd... using the results from a SystemParametersInfo(... call.void ToggleFullScreen()


RECT rtDesktop;

if (mode)


if(hWndTaskBar != NULL)

ShowWindow(hWndTaskBar, SW_SHOW);

//if(hWndInputPanel != NULL)

ShowWindow(hWndInputPanel, SW_SHOW);

//Never forcibly show the input panel

if(hWndSipButton != NULL)

ShowWindow(hWndSipButton, SW_SHOW);

if(SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &rtDesktop, NULL) == 1)

SetWindowPos(hWnd,HWND_TOPMOST,0,0,rtDesktop.right -

rtDesktop.left,rtDesktop.bottom - rtDesktop.top, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);

mode = false;




if (hWndTaskBar != NULL) ShowWindow(hWndTaskBar, SW_HIDE);

if (hWndInputPanel != NULL) ShowWindow(hWndInputPanel, SW_HIDE);

if (hWndSipButton != NULL) ShowWindow(hWndSipButton, SW_HIDE);



mode = true;



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