开发学院手机开发Symbian 开发 关于在symbian listbox中添加svg图片的问题 阅读

关于在symbian listbox中添加svg图片的问题

 2010-05-31 20:19:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:-"!:esourceappsATestList2_aif.mif""$(EPOCROOT)epoc32datazesourceappsATestList2.mbm" -"!:esourceappsATestList2.mbm"; Add any instal

"$(EPOCROOT)epoc32datazesourceappsATestList2.mbm" -"!:esourceappsATestList2.mbm"

; Add any installation notes if applicable

;"ATestList2.txt" -"!:privatexEE8D6E0DATestList2.txt"

; ATestList2.pkg

; This is an auto-generated PKG file by Carbide.

; This file uses variables specific to Carbide builds that will not work

; on command-line builds. If you want to use this generated PKG file from the

; command-line tools you will need to modify the variables with the appropriate

; values: $(EPOCROOT), $(PLATFORM), $(TARGET)

; Also, the resource file entries should be changed to match the language

; used in the build. For example, if building for LANGUAGE_01, change the file

; extensions .rsc to .r01.


;Language - standard language definitions


; standard SIS file header


;Localised Vendor name


;Unique Vendor name


;Supports Series 60 v 3.0

[0x101F7961], 0, 0, 0, {"Series60ProductID"}

;Files to install

;You should change the source paths to match that of your environment


"$(EPOCROOT)Epoc32elease$(PLATFORM)$(TARGET)ATestList2.exe" -"!:sysinATestList2.exe"

"$(EPOCROOT)Epoc32datazesourceappsATestList2.r01" -"!:esourceappsATestList2.r01"

"$(EPOCROOT)Epoc32datazprivate10003a3fappsATestList2_reg.r01" -"!:private10003a3fimportappsATestList2_reg.r01"

"$(EPOCROOT)epoc32datazesourceappsATestList2_aif.mif" -"!:esourceappsATestList2_aif.mif"

"$(EPOCROOT)epoc32datazesourceappsATestList2.mbm" -"!:esourceappsATestList2.mbm"

; Add any installation notes if applicable

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