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Symbian develop FAQS

 2010-03-31 17:20:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:(1) why it's give me undefined reference to `TUriParser8' in S60 2nd Edition FP3?because missing lib inetprotutil.lib in your mmp file.(2) when the proj

(1) why it's give me undefined reference to `TUriParser8' in S60 2nd Edition FP3?

because missing lib inetprotutil.lib in your mmp file.

(2) when the project debug apear "No source available for "0xBD5556(ntdll.dll )() " error.

I encountered a similar problem as decribed above, which has been solved by entering

Run_>Debug Configurations, and open "Executables" tab, choose then "Execitables built by this project".

(3)The symbian has two application framwork.

The first Traditional Symbian OS Control-Based Architecture, AppUI inheritent from CAknAppUi and have a

Container class.

The late Avkon view-switching Architecture . AppUI inheritent CAknViewAppUi, otherwise has other class

View inheritance the CAKnView and Container inheritance CCoeControl.It can include a lot of View and container.

The view and container is correspondence. The view dilivery message between Appui and the container.

(4)add control on the symbian

the step is flowing:

1.add the control define in the container class

2.create control and append control in the container

3.notify the symbian the count of the control in the CountComponentControls function.

4.return the code of the controls in the ComponentControl.

5.delete the difine control in the destructor.

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