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在Symbian exe 程序中显示图形

 2010-05-06 21:39:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:(epocexe is analogous, except the exported function InitEmulator() is replaced by WinsMain()):我们的启动代码看起来是这样的,下面是exedll所必须的两个函数(epocexe是类似的,在Symbian exe 程序中显示图形(

(epocexe is analogous, except the exported function InitEmulator() is replaced by WinsMain




GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()



CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();

TRAPD(error, ExeMainL());

__ASSERT_ALWAYS(!error, User::Panic(_L("EXEUI"), error));

delete cleanup;


return 0;


// If using exedll target type

#if defined(__WINS__)

EXPORT_C TInt InitEmulator()




return KErrNone;


TInt E32Dll(TDllReason)


return KErrNone;



Now the idea is renaming ExeUI.dll to ExeUI.app, and copying it to an application directory

on the emulator tree to make it look like an ordinary application. So we create the ExeUI

directory in Epoc32WinscsystemApps (or Epoc32Releasewinsudebzsystemapps if you

wish). As we're creating an application, we also need to provide it of a proper UID, so

don't forget to add the corresponding line in the .mmp

Now you may launch the emulator, that will show the ExeUI program's default icon.


建立ExeUI目录Epoc32WinscsystemApps (或 Epoc32Releasewinsudebzsystemapps只要你愿意



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