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关于在symbian listbox中添加svg图片的问题

 2010-05-31 20:19:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:* Return the number of controls in the container (override)* @return count*/TInt CATestList2ListBox::CountComponentControls() const{return ( int ) ELastControl;

* Return the number of controls in the container (override)

* @return count


TInt CATestList2ListBox::CountComponentControls() const


return ( int ) ELastControl;



* Get the control with the given index (override)

* @param aIndex Control index [0...n) (limited by #CountComponentControls)

* @return Pointer to control


CCoeControl* CATestList2ListBox::ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const


// [[[ begin generated region: do not modify [Generated Contents]

switch ( aIndex )


case EListBox:

return iListBox;


// ]]] end generated region [Generated Contents]

// handle any user controls here...

return NULL;



* Handle resizing of the container. This implementation will lay out

* full-sized controls like list boxes for any screen size, and will layout

* labels, editors, etc. to the size they were given in the UI designer.

* This code will need to be modified to adjust arbitrary controls to

* any screen size.


void CATestList2ListBox::SizeChanged()




// [[[ begin generated region: do not modify [Generated Contents]

// ]]] end generated region [Generated Contents]


// [[[ begin generated function: do not modify


* Layout components as specified in the UI Designer


void CATestList2ListBox::LayoutControls()


iListBox->SetExtent( TPoint( 0, 0 ), iListBox->MinimumSize() );


// ]]] end generated function


* Handle key events.

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