Symbian 之 时间 时区 日历 转化
2010-07-22 01:43:00 来源:WEB开发网localizer = CTzLocalizer::NewL();
// 一、获得所有的时区信息
void GetAllTimeZonesL()
// Use standard names in alphabetical order 返回值仅仅为一个装有CTzLocalizedTimeZone的数组,具体内容通过CTzLocalizedTimeZone访问
CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray* timeZones = localizer->GetAllTimeZonesL(CTzLocalizer::ETzAlphaStandardNameAscending);
TInt count= timeZones->Count();
for(TInt i=0; i
TPtrC temp(timeZones->At(i).StandardName()); //标准名称
// if the time zone has a standard name, do your things
if ((&temp)->Length()!=0)
timeZones->At(i).ShortStandardName(); //简称
delete timeZones;
// Add a city to a specific time zone and city group 向同一个时区中增加一个城市
void AddCityL()
// Add the new city to the same time zone and city group as London
TPtrC cityName(cityBuf);
// First, find the time zone and city group that London is in
CTzLocalizedCity* city=localizer->FindCityByNameL(cityName);
if (!city)
// city doesn't exist
// Get the city's time zone ID and city group ID
timeZoneId = city->TimeZoneId();
cityGroupId = city->GroupId();
delete city;
// Now add the new city to that time zone/city group.
// First check it is not already present //获得在本时区所有的城市
CTzLocalizedCityArray* cities=localizer->GetCitiesL(timeZoneId);