开发学院手机开发iPhone 开发 iPhone 3.0 + SDK 3.0 真机调试 免IDP 阅读

iPhone 3.0 + SDK 3.0 真机调试 免IDP

 2010-08-22 12:14:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:以上部分来自于:http://www.cocoachina.com/bbs/read.php?tid-6040.htmliPhone 3.0 + SDK 3.0 Device Debug without dev accountstep1:Create a Self-Signing Identity. Named &qu


iPhone 3.0 + SDK 3.0 Device Debug without dev account

step1:Create a Self-Signing Identity. Named "iPhone Developer".

step2:Open your project and go to (menu) Project > Edit Project Settings. In the list of properties, find “Code Signing Identity” > “Any iPhone OS Device” and put "iPhone Developer" in this field.

step3:Add the special 3.0 sauce:

1. Open a terminal.

2. type cd ~/Desktop (enter)

3. type vi script (enter)

4. tap i on your keyboard (to enter “insert” mode in vi).

5. Copy/Paste (cmd-v) the following code into your terminal window:


cd /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Plug-ins/iPhoneOS Build System Support.xcplugin/Contents/MacOS/

dd if=iPhoneOS Build System Support of=working bs=500 count=255

printf "x8fx2ax00x00" >> working

dd if=iPhoneOS Build System Support of=working bs=1 skip=127504 seek=127504

/bin/mv -n iPhoneOS Build System Support iPhoneOS Build System Support.original

/bin/mv working iPhoneOS Build System Support

chmod a+x iPhoneOS Build System Support

6. type ESC, then : x (colon,x) (enter). This saves and exits in vi.

7. type chmod 777 script (enter)

8. type ./script (enter) This will execute the script to patch the Xcode plugin. Assuming it completes correctly, you should be good to go, try it out!

step4:Codesign the binary before it hits the phone:

1. mkdir /Developer/iphoneentitlements30

2. cd /Developer/iphoneentitlements30

3. curl -O http://www.alexwhittemore.com/iphone/gen_entitlements.txt

4. mv gen_entitlements.txt gen_entitlements.py

5. chmod 777 gen_entitlements.py

step5:Add the build phase: in Xcode, select the menu options “Project >

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Tags:iPhone SDK 调试

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