2010-08-14 00:52:00 来源:WEB开发网可能之前大家就有看到iPhone上运行Android,但是没有WIFI支持,让很多人放弃了,如今iPhoDroid项目带来更新,不仅简化了安装步骤,重点是解决了WIFI模块驱动,现在可以实现WIFI接入了,果粉们狂欢吧。iPhoDroid官方网站称将在本周星期五放出下载地址。
“The biggest Chal at this moment it’s not shoot in one click and your phone will be prepared to Dual Boot Android and iPhoneOS, but the iDroid system itself; I consider too much instability for now and a vast code to be done, but I know it’s time to try, even on that stage. So please, get ready to tell me what’s going on over this release and help me out to fix any kind of bug or odds that can happen. Also I want to inform you that 2G device will be part of this party. Keep tuned, until Friday it will be in your hands! “
虽然有很多呼声是想在Android设备上运行iOS4 ,不过这个难度似乎要大于在iPhone上运行Android,因为iOS并没有开放源代码,要实现移植非常有难度。所以大家不要心存幻想!