Skyfire:我们的 iPhone 浏览器支持 Flash 和 Silverlight
2010-04-21 15:42:00 来源:WEB开发网就在Opera Mini火速登陆App Store的同时,另一个服务器端渲染的Skyfire浏览器团队发表了它们的“i设备”计划。
Skyfire的运作非常类似Opera Mini,它采用Gecko引擎,但不同的是,用户可以看到Flash和Silverlight数据,还可以观看QuickTime内容,而不需要给手机安装任何插件,因此这就不受苹果刻意抵制Adobe Flash的影响。开发团队还写了一封公开信发表了有关手机浏览器的看法,以下是原文:
With yesterday’s news that Apple has approved OperaMini as a browser in the iPhone app store, competition in the mobile browser space took a big step forward.
Everyone at Skyfire was heartened by this decision by Apple, to open up their platform and believe this sets a solid precedent for additional innovation in mobile browsing from other companies.
Skyfire believes this approval is a solid first step and there’s still major consumer demand for great rich media and video browsing on these devices. Our philosophy is that enhanced speed AND all the rich media of the web can be together in one browser.
The Skyfire team has been watching the Opera submission and the iPhone/iPad market closely, and this will certainly accelerate our strategy on iDevices. Nothing to announce now, but stay tuned for news. If you want to stay updated, please follow Skyfire on Facebook or Twitter and be the first to hear.
Congrats again to Team Apple and Team Opera, you made the consumer the biggest winner this week.
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