iphone 根据经纬度坐标取详细地址(包括国,省,市,街道)
2010-12-19 07:19:44 来源:WEB开发网核心提示:locationManager] startUpdatingLocation]; }#pragma mark -#pragma mark Location manager/** Return a location manager -- create one if necessary. */- (CLLocationMa
locationManager] startUpdatingLocation]; }#pragma mark -#pragma mark Location
manager/** Return a location manager -- create one if necessary. */-
(CLLocationManager *)locationManager { if (locationManager != nil) { return
locationManager; } locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
[locationManager setDesiredAccuracy:kCLLocationAccuracyNearestTenMeters];
[locationManager setDelegate:self]; return locationManager;}/** Conditionally
enable the Add button: If the location manager is generating updates, then
enable the button; If the location manager is failing, then disable the button.
*/- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager
didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLocation fromLocation:(CLLocation
*)oldLocation { [self.target performSelector:self.callBack withObject:@"0"];}-
(void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didFailWithError:(NSError
*)error { [self.target performSelector:self.callBack withObject:@"1"];}
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