Android LunarLander LunarView new一个线程的意义何在
2010-08-21 06:15:00 来源:WEB开发网核心提示:这两天重写了sample下面的LunarLander代码,忽然不明白为啥在 LunarView 下面要自己new一个线程来处理呢?既然都是通过while(true){}来画图,Android LunarLander LunarView new一个线程的意义何在,那直接在SurfaceView里面搞个循环有啥不可?对比自
这两天重写了sample下面的LunarLander代码,忽然不明白为啥在 LunarView 下面要自己new一个线程来处理呢?既然都是通过while(true){}来画图,那直接在SurfaceView里面搞个循环有啥不可?
* View that draws, takes keystrokes, etc. for a simple LunarLander game.
* Has a mode which RUNNING, PAUSED, etc. Has a x, y, dx, dy, ... capturing the
* current ship physics. All x/y etc. are measured with (0,0) at the lower left.
* updatePhysics() advances the physics based on realtime. draw() renders the
* ship, and does an invalidate() to prompt another draw() as soon as possible
* by the system.
class LunarView extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback {
class LunarThread extends Thread {
Tags:Android LunarLander LunarView
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