android 2D animation 开发小结
2010-08-20 02:02:00 来源:WEB开发网在Android中提供了两种animation处理方式一种是frame-by-frame animation,一种是tweening animation。
Animation is a process by which an object on a screen changes its color, position, size, or orientation over time. Android supports three types of animation: frame-by-frame animation, which occurs when a series of frames is drawn one after the other at regular intervals; layout animation, in which you animate views inside a container view such as lists and tables; and view animation, in which you animate any general-purpose view.
The latter two types fall into the category of tweening animation, which involves the
drawings in between the key drawings. The idea is that knowing the beginning state and ending state of a drawing allows an artist to vary certain aspect of the drawing in time. This varying aspect could be color, position, size, etc. With computers, you accomplish this kind of animation by changing the intermediate values at regular intervals and redrawing the surface. We will cover each type of animation using working examples and in-depth analysis.
frame by frame animation代码示例
< !--
< animation-list xmlns:android="" android:oneshot="true">
< item android:drawable="@drawable/frametoframe1" android:duration="50">< /item>
< item android:drawable="@drawable/frametoframe2" android:duration="50"/>
< item android:drawable="@drawable/frametoframe3" android:duration="50"/>
< item android:drawable="@drawable/frametoframe4"
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