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开发学院手机开发Android 开发 Android 2.1 的 intent 的 dialer 实例 阅读

Android 2.1 的 intent 的 dialer 实例

 2010-03-18 16:12:00 来源:WEB开发网 减小字体增大字体】  关注龙振升的微博
核心提示:在红皮书第七章(p127)Using Intents and the Phone Dialer中有个程序是用intent打开Dialer这个application其中有几行代码是这样写的Intent DialIntent = new Intent(Intent.DIAL_ACTION,Uri.parse("t

在红皮书第七章(p127)Using Intents and the Phone Dialer中


Intent DialIntent = new Intent(Intent.DIAL_ACTION,Uri.parse("tel:5551212"));

DialIntent.setLaunchFlags(Intent.NEW_TASK_LAUNCH );

其中第一行中的Intent.DIAL_ACTION在eclipse中出现错误(Intent.DIAL_ACTION can not be resolved),


第二行代码中的Intent.NEW_TASK_LAUNCH也有错误(Intent.NEW_TASK_LAUNCH can not be resolved)

需要将其改为 DialIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);

关于Uri.parse(String uristring)方 法

public static Uri parse(String uriString)

Creates a Uri which parses the given encoded URI string.


uriString an RFC 3296-compliant, encoded URI


* Uri for this given uri string


NullPointerException if uriString is null


android文档中,没有setLaunchFlags(int flags)这个方法,但却有setFlags(int flags)方法。

通过查android文档我们可以看到setfFlags(int flags)方法的定义如下:

public Intent setFlags(int flags)

Set special flags controlling how this intent is handled. Most values here depend on the type of component being executed by the Intent,

specifically the FLAG_ACTIVITY_* flags are all for use with Context.startActivity() and the FLAG_RECEIVER_* flags are all for use

with Context.sendBroadcast().

See the Application Model documentation for important information on how some of these options impact the behavior of your application.


flags The desired flags.


* Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls into a single

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