开发学院手机开发Android 开发 基于Android的医疗信息传感器 阅读


 2010-06-04 14:03:00 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:competition将锻炼和日常活动转换为Foursquare风格的竞赛Allow users to avoid locations and times of day when air pollution is worst使用户可以避开空气污染最严重的地区和时间The technology (pdf) is desc


Allow users to avoid locations and times of day when air pollution is worst


The technology (pdf) is described in a paper to be delivered in late June at the 2010 International conference on Pervasive technologies for assistive environment in Samos, Greece. It outlines a hierarchy of processing steps that make 24/7 monitoring of vital signs (such as breathing and heart rate) realistic given the battery life issues and bandwidth constraints of mobile phones

文章描述了这种技术将在2010年7月底的希腊Samos辅助环境的普适计算会议(International conference on Pervasive technologies for assistive environment)上展示。它描绘了一个分层的处理流程,使得存在电池寿命和带宽限制问题的24*7生命体征监控成为现实。


This hierarchy, known as DexterNet, includes sequential processing at each level of the hardware involved: the sensors, known as the body sensor layer, the smartphone or personal network layer, and finally in the "cloud" or global network layer that backs up and does final processing of all of the user's data. The purpose of in-device processing in each layer is the reduction of the amount of information transmitted wirelessly between each device.


The lowest level of this hierarchy, individual sensors on the user's limbs and torso, can gather data on a number of parameters: motion in 3 axes (realized with a three-axis accelerometer and a two-axis gyroscope), heart ECG, levels of airborne particulate matter, and, for breathing movements, "electrical impedance

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Tags:基于 Android 医疗

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