开发学院网页设计JavaScript 光临次数和时间的特效 阅读


 2010-09-14 13:08:25 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" /><title>光临次数和时间</title></h

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" />
<body bgcolor="#fef4d9" onLoad="startclock()">
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var expdate = new Date();
var visits;
// Set expiration date to a year from now.
expdate.setTime(expdate.getTime() + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 365));
if(!(visits = GetCookie("visits")))
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SetCookie("visits", visits, expdate, "java2000.wol.com.html", null, false);
  if(visits == 1)
   document.write('<P><CENTER>Welcome Cadet '+username+'</CENTER>');
  if(visits == 2)
   document.write('<P><CENTER>Welcome Ensign '+username+'</CENTER>');
  if(visits == 3)
   document.write('<P><CENTER>Welcome Lieutenant '+username+'</CENTER>');
  if(visits == 4)
   document.write('<P><CENTER>Welcome Lieutenant-Commander '+username+'</CENTER>');
  if(visits == 5)
   document.write('<P><CENTER>Welcome Commander '+username+'</CENTER>');
  if(visits == 6)
   document.write('<P><CENTER>Welcome Vice-Admiral '+username+'</CENTER>');
  if(visits == 7)
   document.write('<P><CENTER>Welcome Admiral '+username+'</CENTER>');
  if(visits== 8)
   document.write('<P><CENTER>Welcome Demi-God '+username+'</CENTER>');
  if(visits== 9)
   document.write('<P><CENTER>Welcome Demi-God '+username+'</CENTER>');
   document.write('<P><CENTER>Welcome Master '+username+'</CENTER>');
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expdate.setTime(expdate.getTime() + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 365));
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document.write(""+"你已经光临本页"+visits+" 次了.谢谢!");
You arrived at <br><SCRIPT language="JavaScript"><!--
Stamp = new Date();
var Hours;
var Mins;
var Time;
Hours = Stamp.getHours();
if (Hours >= 12) {
     Time = " P.M.";
    else {
        Time = " A.M.";
if (Hours > 12) {
     Hours -= 12;
if (Hours == 0) {
     Hours = 12;
Mins = Stamp.getMinutes();
if (Mins < 10) {
     Mins = "0" + Mins;
document.write('<font size="2" face="Arial"><B>' + Hours + ":" + Mins + Time + '</B></font>');
The current time is:<br><SCRIPT language="JavaScript"><!--
function goback(){
alert("Good Bye!");
function gettheDate() {
Todays = new Date();
TheDate = "" + (Todays.getMonth()+ 1) +" / "+ Todays.getDate() + " / " +
document.clock.date.value = TheDate;
// Navigation - Stop
// Netscapes Clock - Start
// this code was taken from Netscapes JavaScript documentation at
var timerID = null;
var timerRunning = false;
function stopclock (){
    timerRunning = false;
function startclock () {
    // Make sure the clock is stopped
function showtime () {
    var now = new Date();
    var hours = now.getHours();
    var minutes = now.getMinutes();
    var seconds = now.getSeconds()
    var timeValue = "" + ((hours >12) ? hours -12 :hours)
    timeValue += ((minutes < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + minutes
    timeValue += ((seconds < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + seconds
    timeValue += (hours >= 12) ? " P.M." : " A.M."
    document.clock.face.value = timeValue;
    // you could replace the above with this
    // and have a clock on the status bar:
    // window.status = timeValue;
    timerID = xywTimeout("showtime()",1000);
    timerRunning = true;
</SCRIPT><br><form name="clock" onSubmit="0">
<div align=center>
<b><font size="-1"></font></b>
<input type="text" name="date" size=12 value="">
<input type="text" name="face" size=12 value="">

Tags:光临 次数 时间

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