Mozilla Firefox 3.5.12/3.6.9
2010-09-08 11:08:33 来源:WEB开发网核心提示:Mozilla Firefox是一个自由的,开放源码的浏览器,适用于Windows, linux 和 MacOS X平台。它 还有其它一些高级特征,如标签式浏览,可以禁止弹出式窗口.内置了钓鱼保护、改变标签浏览行为、能够重新打开以外关闭的标签、更好的支持网页订 阅的预览和订阅、拼写检查、支持javaScript 1.7
Mozilla Firefox是一个自由的,开放源码的浏览器,适用于Windows, linux 和 MacOS X平台。它 还有其它一些高级特征,如标签式浏览,可以禁止弹出式窗口.内置了钓鱼保护、改变标签浏览行为、能够重新打开以外关闭的标签、更好的支持网页订 阅的预览和订阅、拼写检查、支持javaScript 1.7等.
Firefox 3.5.12 fixes the following issues found in PRevious versions of Firefox 3.5:
- Fixed several security issues.
- Fixed several stability issues.
Please see the complete list of changes in this version. You may also be interested in the Firefox 3.5.11 release notes for a list of changes in the previous version.
下载:Mozilla Firefox 3.5.12Firefox 3.6.9 fixes the following issues found in previous versions of Firefox 3.6:
- Introduced support for the X-FRAME-OPTIONS HTTP response header. Site owners can use this to mitigate clickjacking attacks by ensuring that their content is not embedded into other sites.
- Fixed several security issues.
- Fixed several stability issues.
Please see the complete list of changes in this version. You may also be interested in the Firefox 3.6.8 release notes for a list of changes in the previous version.
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