TightVNC 1.5.1 发布,屏幕画面分享及远端操作软件
2010-04-22 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网 【减小字体增大字体】 关注谷汶锴的微博VNC(Virtual Network Computing),为一种使用RFB协定的屏幕画面分享及远端操作软件。此软件借由网络,可传送键盘与鼠标的动作及即时的屏幕画面。
TightVNC Features
Here is a brief list of TightVNC features absent in the standard VNC.
* File transfers in versions for Windows. You can updload files from your local machine to the TightVNC Server, and download files from the server to your computer.
* Support for video mirror driver (Windows 2000 and above). TightVNC Server can use DFMirage mirror driver to detect screen updates and grab pixel data in a very efficient way, saving processor cycles for other applications.
* Scaling of the remote desktop (viewer for Windows and Java viewer). You can view the remote desktop in whole on a screen of smaller size, or you can zoom in the picture to see the remote screen in more details.
* Efficient "Tight" encoding with optional JPEG compression. New Tight encoding is optimized for slow and medium-speed connections and thus generates much less traffic as compared to traditional VNC encodings. Unlike other encodings, Tight encoding is configurable via compression levels and JPEG image quality setting.
* Enhanced Web browser access. TightVNC includes a greatly improved Java viewer with full support for Tight encoding, 24-bit color mode, and more. The Java viewer applet can be accessed via built-in HTTP server like in the standard VNC.
* Support for two passwords, full-control and read-only. The server allows or disallows remote keyboard and mouse events depending on which password was used for authentication.
* Automatic SSH tunneling on Unix. The Unix version of TightVNC Viewer can tunnel connections via SSH automatically using local SSH/OpenSSH client installation.
TightVNC presents new experimental release of TightVNC Java Viewer (version 1.5.1) which supports built-in SSH tunneling. Read more and download.
该版本只是更新了 TightVNC Java 浏览器,新版本的浏览器使用 JSch 库支持自动的 SSH 隧道通讯;同时增加对鼠标滚轮的事件支持。
TightVNC 1.5.1下载地址:http://www.tightvnc.com/download.php
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