聊天工具Miranda IM v0.8.19 发布了
2010-03-24 00:00:00 来源:WEB开发网 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹妞嬪孩顐芥慨姗嗗厳缂傛氨鎲稿鍫罕闂備礁婀遍搹搴ㄥ窗閺嶎偆涓嶆い鏍仦閻撱儵鏌i弴鐐测偓鍦偓姘炬嫹

Miranda IM是一款支持多种协议的即时聊天客户端程序,高效便捷,无需安装即可使用,而且占用内存更少。特别适合经常在不同机器上聊天的用户,可以把Miranda IM拷贝到闪存上随处聊。超强的插件系统让Miranda IM获得极高的扩展性,软件本身只内置了最常用的通讯功能,其余强大特性可随时通过网站上提供的数百个插件扩展获取。安装插件后Miranda IM可以支持QQ,ICQ,AIM,MSN,Jabber, Yahoo,Gadu-Gadu,Tlen,Netsend等等国际流行聊天工具。Miranda IM占用内存极小,一般单QQ登陆在500K~3M左右(一个DLL链接=1个QQ帐号)。复制plugins文件夹中MirandaQQ.dll想挂几个QQ,就复制几个,然后重命名即可。
The Miranda IM team is proud to introduce Miranda IM v0.8.19. Miranda IM v0.8.19 contains minor bug fixes. It is highly recommended that users upgrade to take advantage of the latest changes. Below, you will find a complete list of the issues addressed in this release.
Miranda IM is the smaller, faster, easier instant messenger with support for multiple protocols. Designed from the ground-up to be resource efficient while still providing a rich feature set, Miranda includes support for AIM, Facebook, Gadu-Gadu, Jabber, ICQ, IRC, MSN, Yahoo and more. Additionally, with the choice of hundreds of plugins, icons, sounds and other content, Miranda IM gives you the ability to modify, customise and extend functionality to make it your own.
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Miranda IM v0.8.19 is now available. Before you download, please take this opportunity to support Miranda IM by making a donation today. Read release announcement
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Recommended Addons
Modern Contact List (Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7)
Nicer+ Contact List (Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7) (Windows 95, 98, ME)
Scriver Messaging Interface (Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7) (Windows 95, 98, ME)
TabSRMM Messaging Interface (Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7) (Windows 95, 98, ME)
More docking issues fixed
Updated zlib to version 1.2.4
MSN: Converted chat invitation menu to Unicode