开发学院操作系统Windows 7 有关Windows 7故障恢复功能的一次讨论 阅读

有关Windows 7故障恢复功能的一次讨论

 2008-12-10 09:25:04 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示:上次曾给大家介绍了【Vista之家译】国外IT业者有关Windows 7的一次辩论,而在国外,有关Windows 7故障恢复功能的一次讨论,这种讨论的气氛相当热烈,这不, 当然,仁者见仁,又有两人就Windows 7的故障恢复特性展开了讨论,事实上

上次曾给大家介绍了【Vista之家译】国外IT业者有关Windows 7的一次辩论,而在国外,这种讨论的气氛相当热烈,这不,又有两人就Windows 7的故障恢复特性展开了讨论。事实上,这也是个关于Windows 7易用性的讨论。先来介绍一下这两人:

来自AeroXperience的Bryant: 他认为Windows 7的启动修复功能(WinRE)很实用。

来自WithinWindows的Rafael :他并不喜欢Windows 7的这个功能。


事实上,集成在Windows 7安装包中的Windows 恢复环境(WinRE)并不是什么新鲜玩意儿。但这功能确实有用。在我安装6801时,系统曾遇到一个名为unknown bugcheck: 12b的错误而导致死机,这时,WinRE出现了并进行了系统检查然后弹出对话框询问是否恢复到上次还原点。还原之后,系统提交了本次扫描中的一切细节。然后,重启并恢复正常。





小编:在我看来,这功能还是相当实用的。毕竟,Windows是一个大众化的系统,针对并不是IT业者,而是普通用户,在遇到问题时,IT业者固然能够通过自己的知识去解决,但对于普通用户而言,系统能够自己识别并解决问题,那是再好不过的了。 当然,仁者见仁,欢迎大家发表自己的意见。

有关Windows 7故障恢复功能的一次讨论


Bryant’s view:

The fact that the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) would be contained in the Windows 7 installation is nothing new.

Yes, it actually works.

In my case, my instance of build 6801 died on an “unknown bugcheck: 12b” which led to WinRE being launched. The recovery mechanism checked for issues, subsequently asked me if I’d like to use system restore to roll back to the last working point, rolled back, and presented me with full details of all of its scans (some of which you’ll see in my quick-n-dirty BlackBerry shots). After all of that, it rebooted and voila, Windows 7!

Rafael’s view:

There is absolutely no way to return to the Windows boot choices menu from this newfangled Error Recovery menu. Don’t let the menu above trick you – my choices were really [keep crashing] or [waste my time detecting the already-known problem].

Surprisingly it worked, as Bryant indicated … but that’s not the point. After everything was said and done, I felt like I just jumped through a bunch of technical support hoops to fix a problem I already knew how to fix on my own but couldn’t.

I will be finding a way to turn this “feature” off ASAP.

Tags:有关 Windows 故障

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