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开发学院操作系统Windows Vista 国外三种最常见的Windows Vista激活方式 阅读

国外三种最常见的Windows Vista激活方式

 2007-10-26 16:44:18 来源:WEB开发网 减小字体增大字体】  关注龙振升的微博
核心提示:尽管微软在vista产品的激活方式上下尽了功夫,以防用户破解,国外三种最常见的Windows Vista激活方式,但是在这方面,却显得魔高一尺,1.通过刷主板信息来欺骗激活2.模拟密匙管理服务器3.用激活工具破解验证的关键过程上述三种方法都可以激活Windows Vista,但是谈到安全性,道高一丈,那些热衷于破解的黑


首选的方法当然是破解Windows Vista 的激活过程。事实上,Vista已经轻松被破解。我们不支持盗版活动,所以本文仅从技术层面讨论。


上述三种方法都可以激活Windows Vista,但是谈到安全性,当然还是使用正版操作系统。


Three most popular Windows Vista activation cracks

Microsoft worked hard to make sure Windows Vista was pirate proof as possible, but as our investigation shows, those wily pirates don’t give up easily.

Hacking the Windows Vista activation proCESs is the preferred method of cracking Microsoft’s latest operating system. In fact, various tricks and workarounds have been suggested to activate non-legitimate copies of Vista.

Obviously, we don’t support piracy, and for informational purposes only, here’s an overview of how pirates are cracking Windows Vista activation.

1.By Paradox

A group of software engineers known as Paradox found a method of bypassing activation in Windows Vista. The group provided tools and information on how to trick a Vista installation (x86) into acting as if it is installed on an OEM machine.

The Windows Vista activation crack by Paradox took advantage of how Vista validates on OEM machines.

OEMs like ASUS, Hewlett-Packard, Dell, Lenovo and Acer ship their machines with pre-installed version of Vista that doesn’t require product activation. These companies embed certain license information into their machine, which can be validated by a Widows Vista installation, removing the need for further activation procedures.

The installation of Vista activation crack requires hardware-embedded BIOS ACPI_SLIC information signed by Microsoft together with a matching product key and OEM certification. The combination will render installed Vista indistinguishable for legitimate copy of pre-activated Vista shipped by the respective OEM.

Vista activated using this crack can download Vista patches and updates.

2.By Key Management Server

Another group of hackers used a VMWare image and a VBS script to simulate a local Key Management Server (KMS) which can generate valid Vista product keys.

However, the downside of KMS is that the activation is only good for 180 days. This is made to discourage people from bringing in their personal machines to activate them.

3.By KeyGen tool

An unknown hacker claimed he had created a KeyGen tool to crack Windows Vista’s activation process by generating a valid Windows Vista activation key.

Although a few claimed that they’d found a valid activation key using the tool, many who tried KeyGen gave up in frustration.

Few days after KeyGen was released, the hacker confessed he never gotten it to work. But despite his confession, some still believed that his tool will work with slight modifications.

The above techniques apparently can crack the activation process of Windows Vista.

However, when it comes to security and protection, then nothing beats a legitimate copy of Vista.

Tags:国外 常见 Windows

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