开发学院操作系统Linux/Unix solaris系统用ps命令查看进程占用的CPU、内存等情... 阅读


 2013-07-14 20:12:03 来源:WEB开发网   
核心提示: 用PS命令的-o选项来实现,这些选项有:user ruser group rgroup uid ruid gid rgid pid ppid pgid sid taskid ctidpri opri pcpu pmem vsz rss osz nice class time etime stime zone zone

 用PS命令的-o选项来实现,这些选项有:user ruser group rgroup uid ruid gid rgid pid ppid pgid sid taskid ctid
pri opri pcpu pmem vsz rss osz nice class time etime stime zone zoneid
f s c lwp nlwp psr tty addr wchan fname comm args projid project pset

例: ps -efo user,pid,ppid,pcpu,pmem,comm

例:# ps -efo uid,pid,ppid,pcpu,pmem,vsz,rss,osz,etime,stime,comm | grep php
48 939 938 0.1 0.2 22696 11304 2837 04:36 14:55:58 /usr/local/webserver/php/bin/php-cgi
48 952 938 2.0 0.2 22712 11336 2839 04:36 14:55:58 /usr/local/webserver/php/bin/php-cgi
48 945 938 2.9 0.2 22720 11808 2840 04:36 14:55:58 /usr/local/webserver/php/bin/php-cgi
48 938 1 0.0 0.1 18368 7840 2296 04:36 14:55:58 /usr/local/webserver/php/bin/php-cgi


he following names are recognized in the POSIX locale:

user The effective user ID of the process. This will be the textual user ID, if it can be
obtained and the field width permits, or a decimal representation otherwise.

ruser The real user ID of the process. This will be the textual user ID, if it can be
obtained and the field width permits, or a decimal representation otherwise.

group The effective group ID of the process. This will be the textual group ID, if it can be
obtained and the field width permits, or a decimal representation otherwise.

rgroup The real group ID of the process. This will be the textual group ID, if it can be
obtained and the field width permits, or a decimal representation otherwise.

pid The decimal value of the process ID.

ppid The decimal value of the parent process ID.

pgid The decimal value of the process group ID.

pcpu The ratio of CPU time used recently to CPU time available in the same period, expressed
as a percentage. The meaning of ``recently'' in this context is unspecified. The CPU time
available is determined in an unspecified manner.

vsz The total size of the process in virtual memory, in kilobytes.

nice The decimal value of the system scheduling priority of the process. See nice(1).

etime In the POSIX locale, the elapsed time since
the process was started, in the form:



dd is the number of days

hh is the number of hours

mm is the number of minutes

ss is the number of seconds

The dd field will be a decimal integer. The hh, mm and ss fields will be two-digit
decimal integers padded on the left with zeros.

time In the POSIX locale, the cumulative CPU time of the process in the form:

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Tags:solaris ps 命令

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