使用 NIMADM 工具迁移 AIX 5.2 到 AIX 5.3
2008-11-10 08:23:39 来源:WEB开发网回车待执行“OK”后,AIX 5.3 的 TL8 及 SP3 所有的文件集就已复制到了 LPP_source 资源“lpp_AIX53”。
继续升级先前建立的 SPOT 资源 -“spot_AXI53”,确保 LPP_source 内安装包版本和 SPOT 相同。退回到“Perform NIM Software Installation and Maintenance Tasks”菜单,然后依次选择进入“Install and Update Software”,“ Update Installed Software to Latest Level (Update All)”。“Select a TARGET for the operation”选择“spot_AXI53”,“ Select the LPP_SOURCE containing the install images”选择“lpp_AIX53”。
Update Installed Software to Latest Level (Update All)
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields]
* Installation Target spot_AIX53
Software to Install update_all
Customization SCRIPT to run after installation [] +
(not applicable to SPOTs)
Force no +
installp Flags
PREVIEW only? [no] +
COMMIT software updates? [yes] +
SAVE replaced files? [no] +
AUTOMATICALLY install requisite software? [yes] +
EXTEND filesystems if space needed? [yes] +
OVERWRITE same or newer versions? [no] +
VERIFY install and check file sizes? [no] +
ACCEPT new license agreements? [yes] +
(AIX V5 and higher machines and resources)
Preview new LICENSE agreements? [no] +
Group controls (only valid for group targets):
Number of concurrent operations [] #
Time limit (hours) [] #
Schedule a Job [no] +
Year [] #
Month [] +#
Day [] +#
Hour [] +#
Minute [] +#