使用 NIMADM 工具迁移 AIX 5.2 到 AIX 5.3
2008-11-10 08:23:39 来源:WEB开发网回车待执行“OK”后,名为“spot_AIX53”的 SPOT 资源就已建立成功。
添加 AIX 5.3 最新的补丁包(5300-08-03-0831)到 LPP_Source 并升级 SPOT 资源
在 NIM master 主机上执行 smitty nim_tasks,就可以看到“Perform NIM Software Installation and Maintenance Tasks”菜单,选择进入“Software Maintenance and Utilities”这一项:
Software Maintenance and Utilities
Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.
Commit Applied Software Updates (Remove Saved Files)
Reject Applied Software Updates (Use Previous Version)
Remove Installed Software
Copy Software to Hard Disk for Future Installation
Add Software to an lpp_source
Remove Software from an lpp_source
Eliminate Unnecessary Software Images in an lpp_source
Check Software File Sizes After Installation
Verify Software Installation and Requisites
Clean Up After Failed or Interrupted Installation
选择“Add Software to an lpp_source”,添加 5300-08-03-0831(TL8 及 SP3)补丁包到“lpp_AIX53”资源。( 本例中该改补丁包全部保存于 /patch/AIX5300TL8SP3 目录 )
Add Software to an lpp_source
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields]
TARGET lpp_source lpp_AIX53
SOURCE of Software to Add /patch/AIX5300TL8SP3
SOFTWARE Packages to Add [all] +
INSTALLP BUNDLE containing packages to add [] +
gencopy Flags
DIRECTORY for temporary storage during copying [/tmp]
EXTEND file systems if space needed? yes +
Process multiple volumes? yes